Traded To The Lycan King

Chapter 200

**Epilogue 16 years later**


"Mom!" Tiago groans, annoyed, as he pushes my hand away and rolls his eyes. I smile at him softly, shaking my head at him.

"You had ash on your shoulder." I tell him, and he frowns.

"Because I was practicing with Dylan again," he says in true teenage form.

"Okay, okay!" I put my hands up in fake defense, stepping away. "I will back off."

"Sorry," He mutters as he drags a hand down his perfect olive skin tone. "I'm I have to go? Can't I stay here a few more years?"

My heart breaks as I bite my lip, trying to keep the tears from spilling from my eyes. It's been a solid week of sobbing since Teiran sent word that he wanted Tiago ready to come back and that he wanted Hayes and me to accompany as proxy of the Lycan kingdom. But we won't be going for a few more days, as Tieran wants time alone with his brother.

"You love visiting Teiran," I remind him. "And besides, it's not like you can't just fly back when you miss me and dad and want a hug."

"It's not you and dad I'd be coming back to visit," he teases and I scoff at him.

"Seriously? You'll come back to hang out with your cousins, but your dad and I are chopped liver?"

“Please, it's not them he will be missing. It's this little princess." Hayes says, entering the room holding Claire, our redheaded, green eyed, four-year- old monster. Tiago's eyes light up and he brushes past me with a smirk as he rushes over and puts his arms out for her.

"There's my baby sister!" he grins, tossing her up as she giggles and holds onto him tight.

"Wow. I see your whole 'I have no favorites' was a straight up lie," Zeke frowns, leaning in the doorway. Tiago shakes his head and looks at his fifteen-year-old brother and then he walks over and ruffles his hair.

"She is the princess," Tiago reminds Zeke, who rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah I know."

"Tiago, you have everything you need, right?" Hayes asks, admiring our three kids as they turn their attention to him.

"Yeah," He nods.

"When will you be back?" Zeke asks, looking away as he tries to hide the disappointment on his face.

"As soon as I can get away to come visit." He responds. Then he drops a kiss on Claire's freckled cheek and sets her down.

"Can you stay longer?" Claire asks in her little high-pitched toddler voice, her eyes wide as tears stream down her face. "Not this time, firefly," he says, squatting down and tugging at her little strands of hair. "But I promise to visit a lot, okay?" "Can you bring me a present too?" She whispers, and I exhale.

"Oh, of course I will." He tells her before he stands and straightens his jacket.

"Okay, well, since I'm not flying this time, I really have to get a move on."

"I'll walk you to the door." I offer, moving over to him as I hook my arm in the crook of his elbow. He looks down at me, his height now a good four inches higher than my own. "You know, to avoid the woods to the northeast?"

"Yes mother, I remember. Uncle Merikh has spoken to me about the witches and the magical contract that is in place. No dragon enters their territory and they don't use their magic to harm or possess anyone. I've been told about it for over the last twelve years, since I was old enough to understand."

I nod, knowing he tires of these same old questions, but what he doesn't know is just how scared I am for him. Tiago, a dragon and creature of chaos, somehow turned out to be the sweetest, most compassionate person I have ever met. What if something breaks him? What if he loses sight of who he is, truly, and now WHAT he is?

"Sorry," I whisper, swiping at a tear as I chuckle. "Ugh, I'm such a mess. My first baby is leaving me."

He reaches out, placing his hand over mine, and gives it a gentle squeeze.

“Mom, I'm never far, and I promise I will be around more than enough to drive you crazy."

"Maybe I can convince Teiran to let you stay with us longer..." I say hopefully, knowing full well that is not a possibility.

Teiran was ready to give over the throne when Tiago was twelve. He has often said he can't understand why Tiago is taking so long to grow up and hit the median age so he can take over the throne. Hayes has always been adamant it is because Tiago had Dylan and Harmony and he subconsciously wanted to grow up with them.

Though I'm not certain there aren't parts of him that aren't bits of Giselle, the phoenix who mothered him. He has always had that need to be approved of, the constant want and need for validation and love. I feel getting that from us and kids his own age is what led to him wanting the normal life we could provide him.

"Mom," He says, slowing down as he turns to face me. "I know I act hesitant, but I think I am ready to learn, and with Teiran finally settling down with Flora as a chosen mate, it's nice to give him that chance."

I look up at him with pride, this young man before me so filled with conviction and goodness. I reach out to pat my hand over his heart.

"Tiago, you are such a blessing in our life. Thank you for choosing us." I say the words, a hoarse whisper as the tears well up again in my eyes. "Being your mom is the best thing that ever happened to me, to us."

He tilts his head, his brows furrowing.

"Mom, you chose me just as much as I chose you. I was an infant. Imprinting on you was life or death for me, but you loving me from the moment you saw me? That was braver than anything I could do." Then he reaches out and dries my tears with the sleeve of his coat. "Thank you for loving me enough to be my mother."

I cover my mouth as I nod and sob, wrapping my arms around him as he laughs.

“Ma,” he whines. “I have to go and you are getting my coat all wet."

"Oh stop complaining, it's not like you will get cold,” I tease him.

He grins as he walks off, out the doors and away from me. I stand there until he is long out of sight and arms wrap around me from behind. Hayes' chin rests on my shoulder as he tugs me to his chest and sighs heavily.

"That boy of ours is going to do great things." He says with such sincerity I can't help but melt into him and smile.

"He sure is," Merikh says, walking toward us with his hands in his pocket. "And with that bond between Dylan, Harmony and him, I dare say we will be entering a long-standing era of peace at long last."

Hayes chuckles and lifts his head.

"Even with the vampires?" He asks, and Merikh nods.

"I let go of what happened in the past years ago, Hayes. Vampires may be creepy, lurking in the dark and all that, but I dare say the fear they have of us and the others will keep them in line. No more committees, just leaders coming together to keep the peace." He sighs in content.

"About damn time." Hayes says.

"It's not like we haven't had peace all these years." I remind them and spin to look at Hayes and Merikh.

"Quiet and peace aren't the same thing. We have had quiet, not peace, not yet. That is what comes after the fear subsides and the pain of the past becomes a distant ache." Hayes says.

Merikh lets out a bark of laughter and shakes his head.

"Well, at least in all these years, we

got you back where you were before, brother." Then he shakes his head his eyes growing dark before he clears his throat. “Uh, excuse me, it seems the Luna needs my help, urgently."

And then he turns and rushes off. Hayes looks worried, taking two steps forward before I grab his wrist and tug him back.noveldrama

"Not the kind of help that requires you, my love. I feel like it's a mate only type thing." I laugh and he arches a brow.

"Oh." He mutters, then yanks me to him. A look of concern over his face. "How are you holding up?"

I shrug, "As well as I can. Our first baby just left us."

"He didn't leave us," He says, stroking my cheek. "Tiago is just living his life now."

"So what do we do now, then?" I ask, my chest aching as I think about not seeing my baby boy every day. No making him breakfast or watching him race around with his siblings. "I am going to miss him so much."

“Then we miss him together, with Zeke and Claire, and we relish the times we get to spend with him moving forward. He isn't gone forever, he is just moving to the mountain." Hayes reminds me.

"I know, but it feels so far." I murmur. Hayes tucks me to his chest tightly as I inhale his scent, using it to calm my hurting heart.

"Mom," Tiago's voice echoes behind me and I whip around, tears on my face as he looks at us. "Dad,"

Hayes opens his arms wide as Tiago runs to us like he always did as a child. We wrap him up in our embrace as he whimpers into my shoulder.

"Oh, kiddo, we will miss you so much," Hayes says, his voice hoarse as he fights his own tears. “But it is time for you to show everyone how amazing

you are. Okay?"

“Okay,” Tiago mumbles to us before he steps back and clears his throat. “I just wanted you to know I love you guys,”

"We love you, too." Hayes says, gripping his shoulder before Tiago grins and nods, and disappears finally.

"We did a good job, didn't we?" Hayes asks, sounding like he doubts himself.

"We did." I tell him with sincerity. "We did such a good job, with all of them."

"I love you." He says with a genuine smile. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me."

"I know." I smirk at him. And he grins.

"Ah, that is where Claire gets that sass from," he says, taking two steps back from me.

“Oh, excuse me?" I balk at him and he continues to back away.

"You know I think Merikh is calling me and Thatcher for some beta things..." he rushes out before I lunge at him and he dodges me to the side.

"Oh, no you don't," I hiss in jest, "Don't you dare think I am letting you off easy either."

A brilliant smile takes over his face, dimples popping out through the scar on his cheek.

"When have you ever let me off easy?" He arches a brow.

"You better run, Hayes. Because I will catch you." He leans forward, taunting me.

"How about you come find me instead? Hint: I will be in the bedroom." Then he winks and sprints off.

It's strange how your heart can ache

in two ways at once. My life is so different than I ever imagined it, so much heartache and pain, but somehow, love and letting go seems to be the trick to always finding that happiness.

And I am so damn happy with this Beta and our imperfect little life.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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