The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 25 - News

Anna and Kamryn landed outside the house. He looked around, seeing the witches and warlocks flying to their own homes. It was amazing to see them in the air. They were so graceful. "You're getting the hang of flying pretty quick for only being able to do it for a couple of hours." She said to him, and he chuckled.

"In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would be able to fly." A witch and warlock landed close to them. Kamryn didn't know who they were, but Anna ran over, giving them hugs. "Kamryn, this is Jazlyn's parents. Maura and Bryson." Anna said as they all shook hands.

"We're glad your back Anna. We saw Jaz training with the young tiger, and we couldn't help but notice how much she laughed. She'd been so depressed since the rejection that we worried she would never recover. Have you seen her?" Anna smiled at them.

"She decided to walk with Micah back to the house. I invited her to come here for lunch. I'm sure my parents won't mind if you join us as well." Maura and Bryson smiled at each other. If Micah could help their daughter, they were more than willing to be supportive.

"That would be great. We'll go in and see if we can help with the food." They disappeared inside while Kamryn and Anna waited for Jaz and Micah.

Anna suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen. She put her hand over her stomach as a wave of nausea came over her. Kamryn saw she looked pale and helped her sit down on the porch steps. "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't know. I had a sharp pain, and then I felt nauseous." She said, still feeling like she was going to be sick.noveldrama

*"You're pregnant,"* Anna gasped when she heard the voice in her head. Kamryn looked at her in question. "Were you able to hear Legend just now?" He asked, and she nodded.

"That was Legend? I forgot we would be able to mindlink each other now that we're marked. Wait a minute. Did he say I'm pregnant?" They looked at each other and then down at her belly.

*"Yes, I said you're pregnant, and yes, you can mindlink each other and me. I know witches are typically like humans when they have a child, so you shouldn't know you're pregnant for at least a few more weeks. However, you're mated with a weretiger, so you may give birth sooner than usual. I can't tell if you're having a boy or girl, and I don't know if they'll be a weretiger, witch, or hybrid. I can definitely feel another presence in you, Anna."* Legend was looking forward to their new cub or witch.

"I can't believe it. I knew once we marked each other, it was a possibility, but I never thought it would happen so fast. Now I'm worried that the battle is going to happen when I'm pregnant, and I won't be able to help as much. Why did this have to happen now?" Anna put her head in her hands.

Kamryn was still sitting there in shock. He was going to be a dad. He pictured having a little witch running around the palace, looking like the pictures of Anna he saw when she was only a few years old. He looked at his mate and saw that she was upset, but he was thrilled. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you or our cub." Anna couldn't help but giggle at his tone of voice.

"You don't think this is too soon?" She asked, looking into his Amber eyes.

"No, this is the perfect time. This cub shows us new life and happiness at a time we have something negative coming after us. Remember I told you it would happen when it was meant to happen. That time has come. It may be sooner than we thought, but we're having this cub for a reason. I can feel it." Kamryn leaned down and kissed her again. They broke apart when they heard laughter heading their way. Jaz and Micah walked out of the trees.

"It took you two long enough. We were about to send a search party." Kamryn said as both of them started blushing. Anna hid her smile.

"I can't fly like the rest of you. Jaz was nice enough to keep me company." He looked down at her, and she smiled up at him.

"That's right, if we're going to be training partners, we need to know each other's strengths and weaknesses." They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Are you going to let us know what's so funny?" Anna asked.

"I found out that this big tiger is scared of snakes or things that look like snakes. A large stick was lying on the ground when we were walking through the trees. Micah yelled, picked me up, and ran in the opposite direction. I was laughing so hard that it took me a minute to tell him it was a stick. It's a little too cold this far up for snakes." Everyone laughed as his face turned red.

"Okay, yes, I don't like snakes. Kamryn doesn't like spiders." He said, not wanting to be the only one being laughed at. The two witches looked at Kamryn, and he shrugged.

"They're creepy, crawly, and can get into places you can't see." Anna looked at Jaz and winked at her.

"Well, Jaz, at least we know how to scare the tigers when they get too big for their britches." The two women laughed, but the men were not amused.

"That's not funny," Kamryn said, already feeling like spiders were crawling on him. Anna took pity on him and put her arms around his neck.

"I promise not to cast the spell of spiders on you." She said, trying to hide her smile when she saw the horror in his eyes.

"There is actually a spell of spiders. You're scarier than I thought. I promise never to make you mad." He said seriously before kissing her. Micah and Jaz looked at each other, both slightly blushing.

"Hey, are you kids ready for lunch?" Caprice asked. They had heard the laughter outside while the four of them were preparing the food. It made them all hope that everything would turn out okay.

"Yes, I'm starving. Kamryn and I have some news too." Anna said, looking up at her mate as they walked into the house. Micah and Jaz followed them, standing close together but not touching.

The men stopped and stared at the table when they got to the dining room. How had they prepared so much food so fast? The two weretigers thought to themselves. There was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, macaroni and cheese, turkey breast, and rolls. This wasn't lunch; it was a feast.

"How?" Micah asked, and everyone except his brother laughed.

"Magic has its perks," Stanley said. They all took their seats, and everyone made sure to have Jaz and Micah sit together. Anna and Kamryn remained standing. "Before we begin eating, we have an announcement to make. Kamryn and I just found out we're having a cub." Everyone stared at them with their mouths open. "How do you know already?" Caprice asked in shock.

"Legend told us. He said that because I'm mated with a weretiger, I may give birth sooner than usual. He could feel the cub's presence. I was feeling nauseated when we were outside, but now I feel like I could eat everything on the table." Anna smiled at them as Kamryn kissed her forehead.

"My baby's having a baby?" Caprice stood up and hugged both young people while tears ran down her face. Stanely came over and hugged them as well.

"This calls for a celebration." He said as he sat back down. "We will have a feast tonight and make the announcement to the coven."

Micah and Kamryn exchanged a look. If they called this amount of food lunch, they could only imagine what a feast would look like.

"Anna, can I touch your stomach?" Maura asked. Anna nodded as Kamryn looked at her in confusion. Maura closed her eyes and placed her hand on Anna's stomach.

"What's she doing?" Kamryn whispered. Caprice answered him.

"Maura is the midwife of the coven. She can sometimes feel newborns' energy even before women know they're pregnant." They all watched as Maura's lips moved, but they heard no sound. Suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at Anna and Kamryn.

"Your child is powerful. The energy is the strongest I've ever felt. Something tells me this child will play an important part in the battle."

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