The Fortune-Telling Heiress

Fortune 29

Jordan knew Madison was practically unparalleled when it came to her skills in the mystic ans. He even felt like he should just prostrate himself before Madison and worship her.

On the other hand, Madison pointed at the tall sculpture of the Three Pristine Denties. She instructed Vincent and jordan, "Break that sculpture!"

Isaac, who was on the verge of passing out, called out in an agonized voice, "Don't you dare! If you dare lay a finger on my......"

Before he could finish, he heard the sound of something cracking

Jordan had picked up a stone and leaped onto a table near the sculpture. With a little force, he easily smashed a hole in the sculpturenoveldrama

"Oh! cracked so easily."

The sculpture seemed pretty solid and her, so Jordan thought it would be really hard to deal any damage to it Yet, the sculpture broke instantly when he had only used very little fort.

Madison lined her head slightly and gazed at the scalpture of the Three Pristine Delries.

"t's because you're her immediate family members. Her energy inside could sense your presence, and she bowed you to destroy the sculpture."

"Are you saying-"

Vincent's expression hardened when Madison gave himanod. Heclimbed up the table just like Jordan did and started smashing the sculpture with his bare hands "Don't touch my Three Tristine Deities' sculptare! Argh! You'l be punished for that our forefathers will make sure all of you insolent tools receive divine punishments!" While Isar yelled furiously, Vincent and jordan picked up speed at smashing the sculpture.

A few minutes later, the tall sculpture enllapsed entirely. Simultaneseshy, a sinister energy sweptaernis the room.

Vincent and Jordan fell dizzy almost instantly. Two talismans shot through the air and stuck to their bodies. The disorienting, sinister energy around them vanished right away. Jordan glanced at the remnants of the collapsed sculpture "Fuck! What the hell is that?"

Among the broken pieces of the sculpture lay heaps of human bones. However, those bones didn't belong to those of adch humans.

Tears streaked Vincent's face as he looked at the smaller, finer bones. His daughter's bones were among these heaps of bones.

It was a very serious matter that someone was hiding all these been bones in a monastery

Jordan called 911 and informed the authoribes. Soon enough, the police armed and arrested har and Camila.

isaac's body was completely blackened after being struck by divine lichtning. He seemed to have lost his sanity after watching the others, destroy his sculpture.

"You'll all be punished. Our forefathers won't let you off for this arc cursed and numbled Incoherently as the police escorted him away

All of the human remains found there were collected and taken away by the police to be sent for forensic DNA analysis.

Three days later, the police handed over a small, complete set of skeletons to the Sales, it was the remains that belonged to the five-year-old Mia Salle.

The Salle family held a ritual for the deceased Mia and buried her remains.

At the Salle residence, Josephine leaned against Vincent's chest with a woetul expression on her face.

On the other hand, Jordan stood nervously beside Madison, who had her eyes trained on a child ghost hiding behind a chair.

The ghost looked curiously and warily at the people around her. However, she would hide timidly behind the chair, which had per-through holes in it, in an attempt to conceal herself every time she met Madison's gaze.

Since she was very curious, the ghost would poke her head out and steal glances at Madison again.

"Are you sure you want to see her?

Josephine choked and nodded. "Yes."

"She's a ghost, though. Are you not afraid of ber?

The Salles shook their heads. "We're not

Madison gave a slight nod. She began drawing some nines in the space before her. Faint, golden lights toed toes in the air.

Once the runes were completed, they mowed through the air toward Mia's form. As the golden lights disappeared in her body, her transparent form gradually materialized, Mia stared at her hands with rounded eyes. Meanwhile, the Salles were shocked to see how Mia appeared mirandously out of nowhere before them.

Act Fast: From Bonus Time is Running Dul!

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