She Accepted Divorce, He Panicked

215 Panic Attack

For years Scar has been wondering where Ava got the lying and acting from without a hint. It was right under her nose. It was Anna Fuller, Ava's mom who is so good at lying that Scar didn't even notice anything wrong! Anna cost Scar's mom, and Anna's daughter took Scar's baby! Like mother, like daughter! She won't let them get away this time! She can't unite with her mom and baby with peace before she gets justice from this pair of snakes! "You need to talk to your father, honey-" Anna Fuller reaches for Scar's face like the perfect mom she paints herself to be. Sebastian pulls Scar back a step, blocking her with his body as he grunts warningly: "Anna, stop it." She turned on the manipulating machine again.

But Scar heard Anna already.

Letting out a cold snort, Scar murmurs slowly: "My father..."

The laughter is full of bitterness, anger, hatred and disappointment, everything but what should associated with that word.

"Scar..." Sebastian tries to pull her close, but Scar remains where she is with her neck stiff, her pupils shaking as they nail on Anna Fuller.

For a second there Sebastian thought she would go into a total break down, but suddenly her phone rings. Scar tries to get her phone, but her body seems out of her control. "Ohh, darling..." Anna sighs lightly, and Ava smirks with despise.noveldrama

In that moment, Sebastian realizes he it taking a glance into the past dark years that Scar had. He knew it wasn't easy, but he had no idea exactly how horrifying it was.

He reaches into Scar's purse and pulls out her phone, trying to hang up the phone call which is making it clear that Scar lost it.

"It's Lilith's call," Sebastian says to Scar gently, clicking the phone once so the ringtone goes silent, "We'll call her later, okay?"

He needs to get Scar out of here.

But Scar blinks. She seems to can't breathe, but her eyes stare at her phone's screen, her nails cutting deep into his arm. She wants to take it.

It's her Alice's call.

Hesitates for a second, Sebastian

caves. "Okay, let me," He puts the phone by her ear before he puts the phone call' through. Lilith might be able to help. She's the only one Scar kept around in the past five years.


An innocent, passionate cheer bursts through the phone the moment Sebastian puts through the phone call, and instantly Scar gasps a long inhale, breaking out of her suffocated break down. "Mama, it through!" The little birdie is still shouting on the other side.

It's Alice! Sebastian barely restrained himself from shouting her name, but Scar beat him to it—

"Alice!" As if the phone had

recharged the woman, Scar suddenly went back to life. She takes the phone from Sebastian almost gently, and a smile crawls onto her lips without her even noticing: "What's up, little pea? Is mama looking for me?"

"Nü," Alice says no in her own cute way, saying she likes the cute little eyes on top, "Mama busy, so I want you!"

"Awwww, then I'll be there!" Scar giggles with her, turning away slightly as if even letting the people in the room hear the innocent voice of her girl would stain it.

Holding her hand, Sebastian stands

by her side, watching her smile with the sparkles that he was so familiar with, and that he has missed for an eon glimmer in her eyes. If he didn't make all the horrible mistakes, if he had protected his wife and kid as a husband should have...would that life be like this moment?

His wife held in his hand, smiling at his angle like a perfect daughter?

Scar shortens the phone call before she puts on her cold mask again, but she's obviously out of the episode-

She swings off his hand as soon as she notices.

Sebastian returns a gentle smile, standing by her side, a little behind her. In his mind is one question: what happened to her in the past five years that left her with these episodes?

Is that why Lilith told her that Alice was hers? Because Scar might lose it anytime?

He needs to know before he can make a decision on telling her about Alice. She would be happy, yes, but it's a serious question if her body can even take it. Not to mention.... Would she be a hazard to others, to herself, even... to Alice?

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