My Visions His Reality

Chapter 64

The pain wasn’t anything I could describe. One sound it want there and the next it was penetrating every dann nerve coding of my body, fileli in seconds ioso, even though it felt like I was subtering for lumes

Yeah, it was that intense.

One second. I was sitting on the chair, going over the reports of Flipfos munder with Aiden, and the next sexul 1 tell as if someone stabbed my

hest. It felt imposible to think past the fog of pain, it felt impossible tis even breathe at the moment.

The words in front of me blurred and I passed out, with my hands chuching my chest.

Lopened my eyes to find myself in my room. Why wastri 1 in a hospital? I was in my bed and my best clenched for a second as I remembered tha the last time. I was in it, I held Zara in my arms.

I hadn’t slept in my bed siner the night she told me that she loved me and asked me to muk her. I should have marked her. Maybe ilien, she would still be with me. I snorted at this train of thought. Even if knew what was going to happen the nest day, I wouldn’t have marked her. She wasn’t ready and now, I don’t think she will ever be

I took a deep breath and noticed that it had already been too long since she had been here. Even my heightened senses couldn’t pick up any trace of him ever being here. No smell of pines and chocolates, I only had vivid images of her asking mir in mack her

The door opened and I turned in my bed to find Aiden walking in. I grimobiled and sat up, keeping most of my weight on the headbound. I watched Aiden take a seat beside my bed and look at ine with an unreadable expression.

I tried to sprak k but my v

my voice came out all hoarse and gravelly. I sighed as rubbed my hand over may Ever in frustration.

“Two days” My head snapped to Aiden who was still watching me.

“You’ve been out for two days” Damn! Two whole fucking days!.

“Where’s dad?I asked, my stomach grumbling with the lack of food.

“He has gone out of pack land for some urgent matter.” What urgent matter? What happened, man

“What do you mean?

“One second you are all right, working

at with me on the report and the next moment you’re on the ground clutching your chest as if opping out your organs. What happened!“.

I know I sighed. It has never happened before. How could I have just passed init

init like that!

Ti pri you some food. You look terrible “Auden chuckled and I playfully rolled my eyes. He got up and my eyes zened on his neck. Specifically, on

on für neck. His mating mark

Lucher? Lroaddock help but feel jealous. I had found my mate before Aiden, months before, so how did I end up being the one

ader if every clar in the park was going to ani lake this every me

ere was no way they were going to know that.

catay withenat rach

iesily happy that any best friend and birta had found happiness in his mate

He sunkled with walked into the times I slid made the duvet and didn’t realize when I passed out of exhaustion. Poning out is a nasty bannonsa

sa padidie term for passing out. i maked


time to bring back my health

I called out to my woll and found him in the deepest recesses of my mind. It has been becoming harder and harder to find my wolf nowadays. Being apart from his mate was making him depressed. This time. I found him, curled up and whimpering.

The unpact of the words hit mir Full force after a second and 1 understood everything then The sudden pain coincided with the moment she crossed the pack’s border, effectively cutting till one of the bonds between us. A bond that is important between a werewolf and a human mate. I could feel that the hond hail gone weak in the last two days. The pain had originated from the twisting of the mate between us and had resulted in me being passed out from the pam. I couldn’t even múagine what Zara mat have faced.

My wolf has been ignoring me and doesn’t take any heed to my words when I beg him in allow me to shift. But when I express the need to go after Zara, my wolf perks up a bit

1 ran down the stairs, all traces of exhaustion forgotten, and ran down the front steps and out the front door. I shift quickly, and mud jumps into my white wolf, feeling free after so long.

ning in the right direction.

My wolf somehow knew in which direction to run. His instincts took over and I could feel that we were running in

I ran as fast as I could feeling the wind blow through my fur. I could feel my heart pump oxygen to my lungs and my muscles utilizing them. 1 reached the pack borders in no time and there was no doubt that this was the direction in which she had left.

I sniffed the air and I smelt another scent mixed with Zara’s. My father’s. He had exited the pack lands in the same direction as Zara’s. My wolf growled at the thought of my father helping my little mate in running away. Surely, she wasn’t that desperate to get away from me.

Even though the scent was two days old. I could have easily followed it and brought Zara back to me. Back to home. She must be missing he parents and her brother, Cody. She couldn’t have gone very far too the bond would have stopped her from doing that.

I pushed my wolf to cross the thin line of the border but my wolf whined in my head. Then it struck me. I couldn’t leave the border. In the absence of my father, I was the acting alpha and I had responsibilities to the pack, however inconsequential and small they may be

I could leave the pack lands. I very easily could. But I couldn’t run from my responsibilities. So, instead of going on a wild goose chase for my mate,

chose my duties for my pack. If that makes me a bad mate, so be it. As it is, I didn’t have a stellar grade in the mate department.

My wolf sat down in the bushes on the side of the road for some time, whimpering for his lost mate. I wasn’t in any state to look after any pack business either, so I just laid down in the bushes, as close to my mate as I could be and as far to my pack as I could go

When night fell. I knew I had to go. A white wolf couldn’t just sleep on the side of the road for rogues to hunt and hunters to poach.

1 didn’t shaft. I let my wolf take over once again. He stood on his paws for a moment, uncertain where to go, to the pack house or my grandparent’s

cabin in the woode

My wolf took off in a diferent direction altogether. I furrowed my eyebrows, dueless about where my wolf was going. It all became clear after a lew

was panting after a good run and I stood in the tree line, overlooking Zara’s home. Her home called out to me and I quickly shifted back human formi I knew what my wolf wanted and I wasn’t exactly opposed to it, It was a brilliant idea

kly donned some clothes and walked as discreetly as I could towards her house. I stood just below her room’s window, the one

with Auden, on the night of his barthaday. The day now seemed so far away. Everything was just so perfect thennoveldrama

used to

wasnt much of an effort for and I was glad to find out that the window was open. Til hate to break it.

otlaout any sound and entered the noun like a burglar. My mate’s room Zara’s susell hiç me firsthand and nearly knocked

and locked in. Wouldn’t want her parents to find their daughter’s boyfriend in their daughter’s bed when she

sduni want to give any more reason to her father to not like me

Doughieri ra taytrierat, my brain reminded me I shut down the train of thought before I could get upset

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