My Visions His Reality

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

No matter how many times I repeated the facts in my head, I couldn’t get used to them. Simple facts laid out so indifferently by the woman they claimed was the moon goddess.

Me and Harper are not meant to have children.

The child in Natalie’s womb is going to be the Alpha after Harper.

If the moon goddess had planned it all along, then why the fuck she strung me along? Why flying fuck did she introduce me to this new world, only to create situations where I could play no part in it. It just didn’t make sense and I was already damn tired by trying to contemplate everything that was happening.

“What do you mean?” My head snapped up to meet the tearful eyes of Natalie. Why was she crying? Nevertheless, I meekly nodded,

Her shoulders racked with sobs again and she determinedly shook her head. “No way.”

Sebastian’s body had become tense since I had spoken and for good reason too. Despite his harsh demeanor and ignorant attitude, I knew he was rooting for me and Harper. Besides being a father, he was also the alpha of his pack and was responsible for the well–being of all of its members. And making sure that the alpha line continued after him was his duty and responsibility, which I knew he had no intention of backing away from. “No, it does. If the child inside you are meant to be the next alpha, I’m not going to take any chances with it.” He snapped and I felt a coldness settle

in the room.

“I can’t have the child. It doesn’t matter if it is Harper’s.” She sniffled. “I haven’t found my mate yet; he will reject me if he finds me pregnant with some other guy’s child. Her shoulders shook as sobs racked her body.

Well, then you shouldn’t have slept with someone else’s mate!

Even then, I felt a sliver of sympathy for her and her mate. Her mate and I were the only two people who would be drastically affected by this course of action.

Sebastian slammed his hand on the table and I jumped up from the sound. His eyes flashed black and’I knew that his wolf was making an appearance.

I don’t bloody care what you want to do Natalie. As your alpha, I order you not to abort this child.”

She whimpered and bowed at the dominance of her alpha. She meekly nodded but I knew she didn’t want to. Hell, everyone in the room did. “Now if you all will excuse me, I have some things I would like to discuss with my mate.” That was our cue to leave and I gently got up from the comfortable armchair I was sitting in.

I reached the door first and twisted it open. I couldn’t get out of the room fast enough.


I turned around as Sebastian’s voice called out to me. I took in his tired features and saw how exhausted he must be with everything going on.

His face softened as he looked at me and I nervously gulped at the soft look.

“Let Harper take you home.”

I didn’t want to argue anymore, so even though I didn’t want to, I nodded.

Harper knew I didn’t want to speak to him so he didn’t make any advances or small talk, even though I knew it was killing him. To be this close to me and yet so far away. Well, it was time his actions caught up to him. I was done feeling sorry for him.

After an awkward ride, which felt longer than it should have, he parked the car in front of my house.

Without saying goodbye, I went to my room and snuggled deep into the sheets.

It has been two days since we came to know about the results of the paternity test and I couldn’t have enough guts to go to the school. I made up some excuse for it and my parents seemed to believe it.

Chapter 36

They knew something was up but they didn’t push me. They let me have my own space and I was glad for it.

Neither Harper nor Natalie had tried to call me and I was really glad for that, I needed as much distance from these people as possible.

Samantha and Aiden tried calling me and texted me several times. They didn’t know what was going on but I assured them that everything was fine. In reality, everything was far from it.

As I lay on my bed, I could feel that my body was done sulking. I wanted to go out and be the girl I always was before I got caught up in this fucked

up werewolf drama. And I was glad that this realization hit me when there was enough time for me to get ready for school.


Taking a deep breath, I decided that sooner or later, I would have to face the world and I wanted to get it over with soon. I got up from my cozy bed and walked into the en suite to do my daily routine.

With leaden legs, I got into my car and drove to the school. I could see that my parents were surprised to see me up and about but didn’t ask me any questions. I was really glad they knew when to give me space and not ask questions which would hurt me more.

I made every attempt to avoid running into Harper or Natalie. Samantha and Aiden too. So, pretty much everyone I knew and talked to. Needless to say, I felt pretty lonely in the classes and breathed a huge sigh of relief when the lunch bell rang.

Time and again, I noticed how a few werewolf teens gave a small bow to me which made me feel extremely uncomfortable. It would be a complete shock to them when they come to know about the surprise in Natalie’s womb. I tried to picture how the pack would react to the news and failed to come up with a realistic response. I took a deep breath and put a stop to all the masochistic thoughts running through my head.

I couldn’t sit with my friends but I could go out for my lunch break and have some much–deserved “me- time“.

As the bell rang, I made my way over to the girl’s washroom where I was shocked at the sight in front of me.

No wonder I hadn’t seen Natalie in the hallways or in the last class we shared.

Natalie was passed out in the girl’s washroom and I wondered for how long she had been there.

Panic rose in my chest as I remembered that she was pregnant and her fall could have hurt the child inside her. I may be upset with her but I wasn’t

a monster.

I quickly dialed for emergency services and told the lady about Natalie’s condition over the phone. The principal, being a werewolf didn’t question me as an ambulance came into the school. I told him that she collapsed inside the girl’s washroom and would need immediate serious medical assistance.

I got inside the ambulance without anyone questioning me. The perks of having a werewolf alpha as your mate!

I was surprised how calm I was acting, while a tornado wreaked havoc inside me.

During the two days I pondered over the situation, I realized that the most innocent person, even if you could call it that, was the child himself. It shouldn’t have to bear the brunt of my hatred, even if I hated its parents, which I doubted I did.

Despite what the existence of the child would do to me and Harper, I realized that I didn’t want it gone. Call me stupid, but that was how I felt.

My musings were interrupted when an unconscious Natalie was put on a gurney and carried into the ER. While the doctors checked on her, I called Sebastian and told him what had transpired.

I waited in the waiting room, not wanting to leave without knowing what happened to Nat and her child. Fifteen minutes later, a doctor called out for Natalie Simpson, and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

Sebastian promised me to call him when I knew what exactly happened and that was what I did. I dialed his number, which he had given to me for emergencies a while before, and waited for the call to go through. He would not like what I would say.

“What is it?” Sebastian’s voice sounded tired and pitied him.noveldrama

“She hadn’t eaten in two days and became unconscious,” I said as a wave of rage washed over me. I got it that she didn’t want the child but she also knew that she couldn’t abort it. I had expected her to take care of the life growing inside of her and not disregard it completely.

Sebastian sighed. “I should have known she would do something like this.

“If you knew, why the hell did you let her out of your sight?” I snapped.

A growl came from the other side and I gulped. I should think twice before being rash with an alpha.

Sebastian sighed again. “I thought she was more responsible than this.So did 1.



This leaves me no choice, then.

“What do you plan to do?”

“I thought we would have a few more weeks.”

A wave of apprehension rose inside me at his words.

“What exactly do you plan to do, Sebastian?”

His next words caused a wave of hurt and uncertainty through me but I knew it was a desperate and much–needed measure.

“We are going to announce to the pack that the heir of the pack is on its way.”

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