Maid for the Mafia

The Club


The red and pink lights of the club pulsed vibrantly from every surface of the nightclub. Flashing and dancing in time with the base of the hard hitting rock ballad remix that blasted through the giant speakers. I was seated in the very back. In the lonesome of a forgotten table watching the sea of sweating ravers as they gyrated across the floor.

My mind was a mess. Had been since that afternoon when my entire fucked up life took a detour out of hell and straight into oblivion. Now I was sitting there, waiting for my cousin Ruby. Hoping that somehow she might be able to shed a little sunshine on the black pit of my existence.

Taking a deep breath, I reached for my Long Island Iced Tea and lifted the straw to my lips, the quick pants of my breath steaming the chilled glass as I drew in a mouthful of barely flavored alcohol. "Shit," I choked out. The bartender at this place obviously knows the value of a drunken dollar. He didn't skip on the sauce at all.

Lifting my eyes toward the dance floor again, I scanned the throng of half naked patrons for my cousin. She said eight o'clock. It's nine. Where in the fuck is she? Pulling out my phone, I text her again.noveldrama


Ruby??? Where the hell are you? You said you had my back, but you're nowhere to be found. If you're not here in five minutes, I'm going to leave.

I stared at my phone, already collecting my purse in sad resignation that yet again, someone in my life had let me down, when my phone pinged with a response. Ruby-

Chill out Ro. I'm upstairs in VIP talking to the boss about you. Just give me a sec.


Talking to your boss about me????? Whyyyyy?!?!?! I already told you I DON'T WANT TO WORK HERE!


Listen bitch, I'm working my magic. Just keep your panties on - or take them off - I don't care, but just chill for a few minutes longer.

"Damn her!" I hissed, placing my phone on the table in front of me as I tossed out my straw and swallowed the remainder of my drink.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared into the distance. My mind circled over the events of that afternoon and the bastard that destroyed my life. Matthew Jenson, my ex-boyfriend, ex-roommate, ex-English professor. The sorry son-of-a- bitch that should be here instead of me. He should be the one sitting here trying to drown in cheap ten dollar drinks. Not me! He's the one who insisted that he was in love with me and we should have an affair, despite the code of conduct that clearly forbids it. It was his apartment that he demanded that I move into for God's sake!

Sadly, he's also the one that promised to take the blame if anything about us ever got out, but instead, what did he do? He claimed I seduced him then blackmailed him into continuing the relationship. He got me expelled and the worst part about it is, I went along with it because he asked me to. Just for him to throw me out of our apartment. Oh, excuse me. I mean *his* apartment. The sorry motherfucker.

But what's worse, is he let me believe that he had my back just long enough to fuck me on our bed one last time before laying the ugly, selfish truth on me. If I weren't so ashamed of being such a complete fool, I would have fought against it. I might have told my side. But no, Matthew swore he'd take care of me if I only went along with his story. Said he couldn't support me without his job and that he wanted to marry me. Dumb bitch that I am, I believed him. I went along. Signed my fucking life away in the Dean's office that afternoon. Only for him to stick his puny dick in me again and then toss me out on my ass like a twelve dollar hooker. That fucker even packed my shit for me and had it hidden in our closet until he was done shooting his load.

I'd be raging right now if I didn't feel so damn stupid. He ruined my life without so much as a second thought. I hope the next girl he preys on has more sense than I did. I wish I knew who she was going to be so that I could warn her. So that I could tell her that he's three inches shy of a grown man and that his tongue game is actually the better bet. It's longer than his dick is, anyhow.

Now my face is plastered on the front page of the University Newspaper and I'm out on the streets like a goddamn beggar. Which brings me to my cousin, who promised to help me out. But still, I sit here waiting.

My phone pings.


Take the back stairs up to VIP. Tell the giant bear man on the balcony that you're with me and he'll walk to the back office. But hurry up because DeMarco wants to leave already. Me-

DeMarco? Are you serious???


Just come on! Hurry!

Alexander DeMarco was the owner of the club and my cousin's boss. Known all over the city for his shady business dealings. There are even rumors of him having ties to the mafia and although my cousin has never confirmed the rumors, I know *her* so I know they must be true. She's been working for him for ten years, from the time she was fifteen until now. But if you asked me how she makes her money, I couldn't tell you. I have absolutely no idea what great skill has kept her employed by DeMarco all of this time. I mean, she's not a killer.

Well, at least, I don't think she is.

Ruby's two years older than I am, but I feel like I'm centuries behind her. I can still remember the day she told my uncle to fuck off and skipped town to live her own life. She bounced out that day, found a way to make money, and raised herself all on her own. Ruby's a survivor and as smart as a whip. She is independent and intimidating. Sometimes I wonder how we can even be related, because where she stood strong against adversity, I bent with the wind like a baby tree. When things got tough, she got tougher. Me? I guess I'm just a sucker, born to absorb the sins and pain of others. Because it seems, all I do is crumble and give in.

With a hefty sigh, I stood and made my way across the platform toward the six-foot wide staircase and up toward the glowing red sign that read VIPs Only. My ears were hammered from all the music and my head was starting to ache. The flashing of the lights on the dance floor seemed to burn into my eyes, warping my senses and affecting my balance as I stumbled toward the beefy bouncer guarding the rope.

"Too much to drink, baby girl?" he asked with a dark chuckle. His fat hand shot out to steady me as I tripped toward the wall on the opposite side. "You want me to call you a cab?"

I smiled at him, with a minute shake of my head. This must be the bear Ruby was talking about. His wide forehead and mean features contrasted his friendly smile with just enough flare to make him look like exactly that, a bear. "No," I answered. "I'm Ruby's cousin. She said you'd walk me through."

The bear's eyes widened, his dark chocolate lips quirking upward in a half smile. "Aha. Miss Romany," he crooned. His black eyes studied me, his eyebrows furrowed as he took in my height and disheveled appearance. "You don't look like you're related to Red."

I assumed he was referring to Ruby's bright red hair. She's been dying it that color since the day she left home.

I glared at him, crossing my arms over my generous boobs in annoyance. Not the first time I've heard that one. I'm short, maybe five-foot-two. I've got too many curves in a too little a package and Ruby is long and willowy with elegantly crafted limbs. Her body is supple and firm where mine is thick and soft. I mean, I'm not fat or anything, but what I wouldn't give to have her abs and a few of her inches. She's got five on me, at least.

The bear takes note of my scowl, breaking out in a full toothed grin. "There's the resemblance. You both have the same mean glare and weird teal eyes."

My eyebrows shot up. "Uh-huh."

He smiled, nodding his boulder-like head with the beat of the music as he unhooked the velvet rope and gestured me toward the stairs. "Go on through sweetheart, you don't need me to walk you. Take a left at the landing toward the only set of doors at the end of the hall. Make sure you go left, or you'll end up in an entirely different world and you might not make it out."

Right, okay. "Whatever. Thanks Bear."

He chuckled. "No problem Sugar."

Okay, first, I hate the nickname Sugar and if Ruby thinks I'm going to become a dancer in the place and everyone is going to start calling me by some fucking stage name, she's nuts.

Walking past the meathead I took the rest of the remaining steps as carefully as I was able. Ignoring the strange lucid music warbling out of the darkness on my right and the flashing blue lights that seemed to stutter and bounce across a field of naked dancers. I proceeded to make a left, zeroing in on the only set of double doors in sight.

*Deep breaths, Romany, you can do this. You need a job! Any job! Even a stripping job. They probably make pretty good tips, right? You've got a great set up top and bottom, just think of the cash flow. Think of the money!*

Fuck. I really would hate it though. Never been much of an exhibitionist.

After taking a couple of steadying breaths, I knocked on the large marble doors and waited.

And waited... And waited... and nothing.

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