Letting My Brother's Best Friend Take My V-Card (Jessie and Luke)

Billionaire My Husband 14


Josh and Luke had pitched up at the diner not even 20 minutes later last night. The waitress was kind enough

to help me clean my face and gave me a cup of coffee while I waited. I saw something in her eyes an understanding of why I didn't want to go to the police. We shared something, and now-something no one else would ever understand.


Josh wanted to know where I left Bryan, but I couldn't remember. I was very sober and awake at the diner, but before that, it was still a bit of a blur. Luke didn't say

anything. He just looked at me, clenching his fists and grinding his teeth. I could feel the anger roll off him in waves, so I avoided looking at him.

They both knew better than to ask me what happened. All Josh wanted to know was if I needed the hospital, which I didn't. I had a few small cuts, and I'd have bruises, but nothing that warranted the emergency department. The rest of the drive was quiet. Very quiet until Josh mentioned the police. I panicked.

"No police." I'd said, and Josh wanted to argue with me, but Luke stopped him. "It's her choice. We won't be the ones defending ourselves. It never turns out good for the girl." Luke said, and I was relieved he understood. For a second, I wondered how he knew what I couldn't say out loud...

14.12 M

I kept myself together long enough to make it to my house, where Laura waited for me in the doorway, worry plastered on her face. She pulled me into a hug, and only then did I let myself cry and feel everything.

Now, it's a new day, and the Jess from yesterday was gone somehow. The world wasn't as bright, and the sun didn't feel as warm. Everything was different-1 was different.

Laura was sitting at the edge of my bed and made us coffee. I told her what happened last night. I figured I needed to tell someone, but it wouldn't be Josh.

"I can't believe that asshole. I'll kill him. I'll rip off his fingers, then his dick, and I'd make him chew it." Laura was staring out the window, avoiding looking at me. Everyone avoided looking at me. I stared up at the mirror and saw the bruise starting to form across the left side "I'm sorry, Jess. I'm sorry I didn't answer." Laura looked guilty, but it wasn't her fault. It was mine. I made a decision, and nobody was to blame except menoveldrama

A noise downstairs caught our attention. Luke and Josh were fighting, and I could just make out what they were saying.

"I told you, man! I told you he was a fucking sleaze!" Luke yelled, and something hit the floor - a chair?

"I know! I fucking get it! It's my fault!" Josh was blaming himself? That's ridiculous.

I started throwing off my covers." I should go down there before they rip each other's heads off."

"Let them talk it out. They are way too angry to listen to any reason anyway. It's been like that since you got home." Laura said softly.

"I get why Josh is upset. I mean - he's my brother, but Luke... I don't get it." I fell back, slapping a palm across my face, feeling the hangover hit me hard. Or I might be concussed., I'm not sure.

"You should have seen him, Jess. He stormed in here so fast. He was so upset, and I'd never seen him like that. He was frantic."

My mind raced. Luke was frantic?

Luke was frantic about me? That just made no sense.

Luke didn't care about me. Maybe he felt responsible because he tried to warn Josh.

"I want to believe you, but I think he was just annoyed that I'd woken him up before training or something," I mumbled underneath the covers.

"I know my brother is many things - asshole being one of them. But he usually answers his phone. I tried everyone, and Luke was the only person who answered..." I groaned, and Laura kept quiet.

I peeked at her through my fingers - she was fidgeting with her hands. She was nervous.

"Laura. Spit it out. You want to tell me something, so just do it. Can't get any worse, right?" I joked, but nobody laughed. Laura turned around, and I could see tears threatening to spill over. 14120

"You... You could have... it could have been so much worse..." Her voice cracked, and I sat up to hug her.

"But it didn't. He didn't. I'm fine. Really." I assured her and let her cry it out. After a few minutes - she sat up, wiping her face and taking deep breaths.

"I need to tell you something..."

"Yeah. Okay. Well, you can tell me anything. You know that."I waited for Luara to tell me whatever was making me more nervous, but Sam burst through the door.

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