Keeping Katie (Syndicate Kings Book 5)

Keeping Katie: Chapter 6

The edge in Grady’s voice sends a zing of arousal through me. Is that jealousy? Possessiveness? Or am I imagining it?

“He’s my friend. He’s, uh… he’s a homeless man who’s been coming into the coffee shop since before my dad died. My parents were friends with him, too.”

The muscle in his jaw tenses as he studies me. Chloe watches us intently, a grin on her face. Okay, I must have really been hearing what I thought I was. Why would Grady feel jealousy over little ol’ me? I’m no one. Especially compared to him. Just a chubby girl with a coffee shop.

I have no idea what these guys do. When dinner is over, and I can get Chloe alone, I have a bunch of questions for her. Like, why do the girls all keep calling their men Daddy? Why did Grady threaten to spank her? Why are all these men in black suits like they’re in the freaking mafia or something? Whatever they do, they’re successful as hell because this mansion is probably about as big as the Pike Place Market.

“A homeless man? How did you meet him?” Grady asks.

Five more men turn their attention to me, their eyebrows pinched as they wait for an answer. Goodness, they’re all so good-looking. How do Chloe and the other girls stand being around so much hotness all the time? I need a fan or something to cool me down.

“My parents met him a long time ago. He’s a good man. I give him coffee most nights before I close the shop,” I say softly. “Anyway, he always seems to know what the weather is going to do. He told me it was going to snow, but I didn’t believe him because it’s nearly spring. Guess I should trust his weather forecasting next time.”

Especially since I’m panicking inside that I don’t have Pancake with me. I’ve never gone a night without her. I might be a twenty-three-year-old woman with my own business, but I still need my stuffed bunny to be able to sleep. I’ll sneak out after everyone goes to bed. Surely, it will stop snowing by then.

When we finish eating the best meal I’ve had in a long time, Grady picks up my plate and takes it—along with his—out of the room. I peek over at Chloe. She’s practically glowing as she stares at me.

“Isn’t he sweet? He’s single, too,” she whispers.

If my cheeks could actually catch fire, they would. I don’t know why she informed me of his relationship status, but knowing he doesn’t have a girlfriend pleases me beyond words.

“We should watch Beauty and the Beast!” Cali announces.

All the men groan, but Cali just rolls her eyes.

Scarlet giggles. “We watch it all the time. They love the movie, but they like to act like a bunch of curmudgeons. Do you like Beauty and the Beast?”

Grady’s gaze is on me. I feel it as if he were actually touching me. Forcing myself to keep my eyes on Scarlet, I nod. “I love it. I want Beast’s library.”

Cali grins. “You should see Grady’s library. It’s huge. He has several first editions of really famous books.”

I cock my head, surprised by that. Most people don’t have a room for books in their houses unless they love to read. Grady doesn’t give me bookworm vibes.

“You have a library?” I ask with a small smile.

“Aye. But if you tell me you read mob books like the rest of these girls do, I’m afraid I won’t have a selection you’d like.”

“Well, that’s the thing about libraries,” I reply. “They can always be added to. Everyone needs mob books in their collection.”

Cali bursts out laughing while Grady looks at me like he isn’t sure whether to laugh or roll his eyes.

“Jesus Christ. What is it with you girls and reading about men in the mafia? Declan asks.

“Like I keep telling you, Daddy. Someone’s gotta show you guys how to run the mafia correctly. How are we supposed to know unless we read about it?” Cali shrugs.

My eyes practically bulge from my face. Did I just hear that right? How much wine did I drink?

“I take it from the look on your friend’s face that she doesn’t know what we do?” Bash asks.

Chloe comes around the table and grabs me by the hand. “Maybe we should go get the movie ready.” Then she pulls me from the room with Cali, Scarlet, and Paisley following.

We’re all silent as we walk through the house, the tension so thick I’m surprised we can’t see it. I’m practically bursting with questions while panicking at the same time.

I’m momentarily distracted when we walk into an enormous room full of plush couches and a huge screen on the wall. There are blankets and pillows on every piece of furniture, and there’s even a popcorn machine off to one side. Next to it, a display rack holds boxes of all different types of candy. The room is awesome. A movie-lover’s dream for sure.

Once my amazement wears off, I turn toward the women. They all look a bit nervous.

“I have so many questions,” I hiss quietly.

Chloe bobs her head. “I know. I’m sorry. I should have prepared you.”

“Ya’ think?” I ask. “Are they really in the mafia? And why do you all call them Daddy? And why did Grady threaten to spank you? Oh my God, I feel like I’m in a book right now or something. I mean, a snowstorm in March? Come on. This is just some wild dream I’m having. Right?”

I wait for one of them to confirm my dream theory, but none of them do. Instead, Chloe guides me to a couch and sits down with me.

“To answer your questions, yes. They’re in the mafia,” she says. “Actually, they kind of are the mafia. They’re the top six of the Irish American Mafia. Declan is the boss.”

My mouth drops open.

Chloe continues. “All of us call our men Daddy because they are Daddy Doms, and we’re their submissives.”

“They like to think we’re their submissives. We’re the ones who are actually in control,” Paisley says with a smirk.

Scarlet snorts. “That’s kind of true. I mean, they do discipline us if we disobey a rule or do something dangerous, but they also treat us like queens and pretty much give us anything and everything we want.”

“It’s not always sunshine and rainbows, though. They’re difficult men. Controlling, possessive, jealous as hell. Most of the time, they’re unreasonable and so freaking stubborn.” Cali rolls her eyes. “But they love us unconditionally, and they would die for us.”

I swallow, trying to absorb what they’re telling me. I’ve read about Daddy Doms before. Several times, actually. I’ve even wondered if I’m a Little because of some of my mannerisms and the fact that I still sleep with a stuffed toy.

“Are you Littles?”

They look at each other like they’re not sure how to answer. Chloe finally shrugs. “Sometimes? There are different degrees of being Little. None of us go super young, but we enjoy doing Little stuff like coloring, crafts, and watching Disney movies. Our Daddies like to treat us like we’re Little a lot. They cut up our food and feed us sometimes, or they make us take naps or have an early bedtime. Basically, we don’t really define what we are. We do what makes us happy and comfortable.”

Huh. That sounds… pretty freaking amazing.

“Wait. Does that mean…”

“That Grady is a Daddy?” Scarlet asks. “Most definitely. I think he might be a bit surprising, though. He seems so easygoing, but I don’t think he actually is. He’s super protective of all of us. It’s interesting to see when he goes all Daddy-mode.”

Before I have time to fully digest that and ask more questions, Grady and the rest of the men file in, all with drinks in their hands. A glass of wine in one and a glass of what looks like whiskey in the other. Except Ronan. He only has whiskey.

“Ready to watch the movie for the millionth time?” Killian asks.

Scarlet beams up at him. “So ready! I wonder if Beast is going to be nicer to Belle this time.”

Killian snorts and rolls his eyes but then leans over to press a kiss to Scarlet’s lips. “Let’s hope, huh?”

She nods and cuddles up to his side when he sits down.

The couch I’m on is enormous, big enough for at least eight people. Chloe stays next to me, with Bash on her other side. Grady sits near but not too close. I’m not sure if I’m happy or disappointed. I smell his cologne, but I want more of it.

“Wine?” he asks, holding the stemmed glass out for me.

I take it from him and offer a smile. “Thank you.”

The movie starts, the surround sound so good it feels like we’re in the snow with Belle’s father.

One of Grady’s rings clinks against his glass as he takes a long drink, then looks at me. “The girls fill you in about us?”

A shudder runs through me. Does he mean about being in the mob? Or being Daddies?

“Yes,” I whisper.

He stays quiet for a moment and takes another drink. “We might be bad men, Katie, but I need you to know you’re completely safe with us.”

Slowly, I turn my head to meet his gaze in the dim light. We stare at each other in silence, but it feels like we’re communicating; I’m just not sure about what. I believe I’m safe with him. I believe Chloe and the other girls wouldn’t be here if they didn’t feel completely safe.

“I know.”

As soon as I say it, his shoulders relax, and the tightness of his jaw releases. “Good girl.”

The words are quiet, but in my head, they couldn’t be any louder.

Good girl. Wow.

Who knew two words could be so beautiful? Could make me feel something I’ve never experienced before. Could make me want something I’ve only ever fantasized about.

When did my bed get so comfy?

I curl up tighter and feel around for Pancake. I rarely let her go in my sleep, so panic creeps in as I search for her. My eyes fly open, and I look around the room. Crumb cake. This isn’t my room. This isn’t even my apartment. I must have fallen asleep during the movie.

Chloe is fast asleep at the other end of the couch, and Paisley is sprawled out on the thick carpet a few feet away. Scarlet is sleeping practically on top of her husband. He’s snoring softly with his arm wrapped around her protectively. It’s a pretty cute scene.

As quietly as possible, I peel back the fluffy blanket someone put over me and tiptoe from the room. I try not to think about the fact that it was most likely Grady who covered me up. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. It could have been any of the guys. I’m going with Grady, though.

I quietly make my way through the maze of a house toward the foyer. Hopefully, the snow will have melted so I can go home and snuggle up with Pancake. Otherwise, I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight. I can’t believe I dozed off during the movie. I never do that.

“Where do you think you’re going, Little one?”

I stop mid-step on the marble floor and slowly turn to find Grady. He’s shed his suit jacket, tie, and shoes, but he still looks just as intimidating. His hair is a bit mussed like he’s been running his fingers through it. The man looks so freaking edible, it’s unfair.

“Oh, um, hi. I didn’t mean to wake you,” I whisper, even though we’re alone in the enormous foyer.

His gaze is locked on me as he approaches, an eyebrow raised. “You didn’t wake me. Where do you think you’re going?”

His tone is even and quiet, but I feel the steel in it all the way down to my bones. How is that possible?

“I was going to check to see if it had stopped snowing so I can head home.” I motion toward the large glass doors.

He narrows his eyes, and my clit tingles. I don’t think he likes my answer.

“It has stopped snowing, but you’re not driving home in the middle of the night with the streets still wet and slick.”

Squaring my shoulders, I stand a bit taller. Which isn’t much compared to him. The man towers over me. It’s both hot and unnerving. “You can’t tell me what I can and can’t do.”

Whoa. Where did that come from? I’m not normally the sassy type. Especially to authoritative figures, and Grady definitely falls into that category.

The gold in his irises flickers. “Can’t I? Because I have your keys in my pocket, so I’m pretty sure I can.”

I glare at him and put my hands on my hips. “How did you get my keys?”

“They were sitting right on top in your purse.”

“You went through my purse?” I shriek, still somewhat quietly.

His lips curl up into an ominous grin. “No. I opened your purse, and they were right there. I didn’t look through anything. Would I have found something naughty in there if I had?”

Heat creeps over my cheeks, and I scoff. “No.”

At least I hope he wouldn’t find anything. He’d really have to search for the secret zipper inside. Every purse needs a secret vibrator compartment if you ask me. It’s probably not actually meant for hiding toys, but it’s freaking brilliant.

“Uh-huh,” he says. “You need to go back to sleep.”

My prickly demeanor disappears, and I drop my hands to my sides. “I can’t sleep here. I don’t know how I fell asleep in the first place.”

His expression softens. “Easy. With your feet in my lap and your head on the pillow. Why can’t you sleep here?”

Oh God. How embarrassing. “I put my feet in your lap?”

“Yes. I like the pastel pink polish you have on. You didn’t answer my question. Why can’t you sleep here?”

He looked at my toes? It’d be nice if a hole would open for me to drop into right about now. Thank goodness I painted my toenails last night. He shouldn’t have sat by me if he didn’t want my feet on him. Although, he doesn’t seem to mind.

“Um, I just don’t sleep well if I’m not in my bed. What time is it?” I scratch my temple and look around for a clock.

“Three. Why don’t you sleep well if you’re not in your bed?” he shoots back.

Tilting my head to look up at him, I smirk. “Are we playing twenty questions?”

His mouth curves into a cocky smile. “Do you want to play twenty questions?”

“Not at three in the morning. Why are you still awake?” I ask.

He shrugs. “I don’t sleep much.”

Huh. That’s too bad. I love sleeping. Especially when I have Pancake. “Why not?”noveldrama

“Now who’s playing twenty questions?”

I roll my eyes and sigh. This man is exasperating. Does he have this much stamina in other parts of his life? Oh, God, what the hell is wrong with me? “I’ll be fine to drive home.”

“You’re not driving home. It’s out of the question,” he says firmly. His tone leaves no room for argument. Too bad, arguing with him is kind of fun.

“It’s not your decision to make. I’m an adult, you know?”

Leaning down until his face is only a few inches from mine, he looks me directly in the eye. “Are you? Because you might be of legal age, but when I look at you, I see a sweet innocent girl who needs someone to take care of her.”

I tremble. My nipples ache. My core clenches. His words are intimate. Special. And so damn true, it’s terrifying.

“I’m an adult,” I reply breathily.

He tilts his head to the side, keeping his gaze on me. “Uh-huh. You’re still not driving home.”

With a huff, I cross my arms over my chest. “Fine. I’ll order a car service.”

“Nope. Not happening. If you try to get into a stranger’s car, the consequences will be dire.”

My mouth falls open as I stare up at him. “You can’t threaten to spank me!”

I take a small step back, suddenly nervous. I’ve never been spanked before.

Grady takes a step toward me, clearly enjoying this game of intimidation. “I didn’t threaten to spank you.”

“You implied it, like you did with the other girls.”

He shrugs and then shakes his head. “No, I didn’t. I was referring to the driver of the car service. Inviting a stranger onto mafia property with a bunch of overprotective gangsters? Do you think that’s a wise choice, baby? Do you want their blood on your hands?”

What. The. Fuck? He wouldn’t do that. Right? Shit. I’m so out of my depth here. I need to get Chloe alone and ask her more questions. Like, do they actually torture and kill people? Or is it nothing like it is in the books? Yeah, unlikely. I may not know Grady well, but all it takes is one look to know he’s done some bad stuff. He’s dangerous and deadly, and it would be smart not to push him.

“I didn’t think so. If you want to go home so badly, I’ll drive you, though I’d prefer you to stay here,” he adds.

The look on my face must be enough of an answer because he sighs. “Okay, Little one. Go get your shoes on, and I’ll take you home.”

My shoulders relax, and I shoot him a soft, grateful smile before I head back to the theater room for my stuff. With each step I take, the wetness between my legs grows. I try to ignore it so I don’t have to think about what it means. Like why I love how he just dominated the hell out of me and called me baby. Yep, definitely ignoring that.

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