Her Sweet Alpha

Chapter 11

Chapter Thirteen

Halle woke from her nap still wrapped in Dade’s arms. She was completely naked but so cozy and warm. This was the best nap she’d ever had. She giggled when she ran her foot over his calf and discovered his jeans and underwear tangled around his ankles.

He squeezed her. “You got me so worked up that I forgot to step out of them.” He kissed the top of her head and then rolled to his feet. He reached down and pulled up his jeans. “I’m glad you woke up. I’m starving.”

Her stomach rumbled. “Me, too.”

“I’ve got some venison stew.”

She moaned. “That sounds delicious.”

He smiled, his eyes performing a leisurely stroll over her naked form. “I’ll warm it up while you get dressed.” He picked up his t-shirt and put it on.

“Oh, yeah.” She peered over the edge of the bed at the remnants of her clothing. It’d been hot in the moment, but she didn’t have that large of a wardrobe that she could allow him to destroy her clothing on a regular basis. “I’ll just find something else to wear and be right down.”

He nodded.

She hadn’t put away any of her clothes yet. They were still in her suitcase at the bottom of Dade’s closet. She briefly considered taking a shower but found that she liked being covered in Dade’s scent. She dressed casually in a pink t-shirt and jeans.

Dade was placing the bowls of steaming stew on the table when she got downstairs. Her stomach rumbled at the mouthwatering aroma. “You’re a really good cook,” she said after her first mouthful.

He shrugged. “Only when it comes to meat.”

“I don’t know. Your pancakes were so light and fluffy.”

“Okay. I do well with meat and breakfast food.”

She smiled. “Let me get this straight. You’re an excellent cook. You’re as patient as the day is long. You’re a pushover when it comes to family. Are you sure you’re the Alpha of your pack?”

“And I’d do anything for you.”

Warmth stole over her cheeks. “And you’re sweet.”

“The ‘a’ in Alpha doesn’t stand for asshole. I hate to disillusion you, but don’t fit me for my halo just yet. We’re a peaceful pack. I don’t often have to assert my dominance. Ordering people around, micromanaging, only leads to discontent and restlessness. But I do demand loyalty always…and submission when needed.”

She nodded. “Like during mealtimes.”

“You should be thanking me. My brother may be small, but you’ll starve if you count on him to leave you anything but scraps.”

Halle laughed. “He is not small.”

He shrugged. “Maybe not to you.” He finished his stew and stood. “How about a walk? I’d like you to see our land.”

She liked the way he said “our.” “I’d love to.”

Once outside, Dade led her to the back yard. A large circular area had been cleared. There were a couple of wooden picnic tables under the trees. On the back patio, there was a gleaming stainless-steel grill. She didn’t know much about grills, but she thought it looked expensive. It was certainly big.

Dade linked his fingers with hers. Halle couldn’t recall holding hands with anyone since high school. She followed him as they reached the edge of the clearing and he continued into the woods. “Does this part belong to you as well?”

He nodded. “To us, yes.”

The trees weren’t so dense that they had difficulty traveling through them. Pine needles littered the ground. Light filtered through from above, but the shade made it much cooler in the woods. Halle suddenly realized that she wasn’t wearing a sweater or a coat and she was still comfortable. “I’m not cold,” she said, the surprise apparent in her voice. Snow from their last storm a month ago lingered in the shadows and at the bases of the larger trees.

“Werewolves run hotter.”

“Then why do you own a coat?”

“To blend in,” he said with a shrug. “The more our differences are apparent, the more frightened humans will be of us. Most of us just want a peaceful existence for ourselves and our families. In that way, we’re very much like humans.”

They continued on for some time in silence. Halle gradually became aware of the various scents. The strongest, naturally, was Dade as he was right next to her. As the other smells reached her nose, she began to decipher them. There was the earth, the pine trees, the animals…. She felt as if she tried, she could easily follow their trail.

“Something went that way.” She pointed to her right.

He nodded. “A deer. They’re plentiful here. I caught the one I used for our stew.”

“A deer,” she repeated, committing the smell to memory. As they walked on, she asked, “Does all this land belong to you? Us?” She glanced back. Their cabin was no longer visible through the trees and hadn’t been for some time. She estimated that they’d been walking for about twenty-five minutes.

“For about another acre or so. We like space to run. The land that abuts ours belongs to my friend Travis’s family. We’re welcome there as well. If we keep going this way, we’ll eventually run into his house.”

A light rain began to fall and turned her face up to catch the mist. “I could smell the rain coming, but I didn’t know what it was.”

He raised his face and sniffed. “We should go back.”

“Why? I love the rain. And it’s light.” She supposed she should be more concerned about the frizzy mess her hair was going to become, but she needed to wash it anyway.

“It is for now. There will be a downpour soon.” The return walk wasn’t as leisurely. Dade hurried her along. By the time they reached the cabin, what started as a mist had strengthened into a heavy drizzle. They ran the last yard and made it inside seconds before the sky opened up. The rain was so heavy that it was a solid wall of white.

“You didn’t lock the door,” Halle panted her observation. He hadn’t even taken keys with him.

“It’s a safe area. Most of the people are pack. And now that we’re mated, we shouldn’t have any trouble.”

She grinned, her eyes flickering over his large frame. “Needed my protection, did you?”

His cheeks actually reddened and she laughed. “There was this werewolf who wanted to be my mate—”

The deep growl shocked her and she looked around, her eyes wide.

Dade grinned. “You did that.” He sounded proud of her.

“I did not!”

He laughed. “You did. It’s normal. I’m your mate. Naturally, you don’t like the idea of someone else pursuing me.”

Her hands curled into fists and her nails dug into her palms. No, she really didn’t like that idea. “Are we going to have a problem?”

“No. Werewolves respect the mating bond. Only death can break it.” He drew her close and buried his face in her neck. He inhaled and then nipped her ear. “You’re it for me, baby.”

A shiver raced down her spine. She didn’t know how it was possible, but she wanted him again. She moaned and grasped his shoulders.

Dade growled. When he pulled back, his eyes glowed down at her. “I’m going to season the steaks for dinner and then I’m going to bend you over the arm of the couch and fuck you.”

She nodded. “Sounds good.”

“You should have let me help with dinner,” Halle said as she cut into her steak. “How am I going to become a better cook if you won’t let me practice?”

“You needed your sleep,” Dade said with a sparkle in his gold eyes. After they’d made love, she’d fallen asleep. She’d still be sleeping if he hadn’t awakened her for dinner. “And not just because of the sex. You’re practically being born again.” He tilted his head to the side. “The speed of your progress is…astonishing.” He cut into his own steak. “Besides, I want you to have my pups. I didn’t say that I expected that to be your exclusive occupation. If you want work with us, do interior design, then we’ll make that happen.”

She smiled. “I know. But I’d like to learn to cook.” Her eyes were riveted to his steak. Out of habit, she’d asked for hers to be well done. He’d done his rare. It looked so…juicy…and delicious.

Chuckling, Dade held a slice of his steak out to her. “Go on,” he urged when she hesitated.

She couldn’t contain her happy hum when the meat hit her taste buds. She’d never been a meat person. Sweets were the vice that had padded her curves. As much as she liked a Caesar salad, a girl couldn’t live on lettuce alone.

“Here.” Dade forked up his second steak and put it on her plate.

“I can’t take your steak.”

“I have two. I can spare the one. Besides, you’re my mate. It is my pleasure to provide for you.”

Halle melted. The man put every other man she’d ever known to shame. “You’re too perfect to be real.”

“Um, that’s not what you were saying when I told you I wanted you to become my mate,” he pointed out with a laugh.

“I, very understandably, had some concerns. All of this happened so quickly.” If it weren’t for him being so amazing, she’d have had more reservations about agreeing to so many changes.

He shrugged. “I’m just a simple werewolf. I’m far from perfect.”

“You’re sweet, handsome, sexy—”

Dade’s loud groan cut her off. “Don’t go around describing me as ‘sweet.’ No one—with the exception of my mother—thinks I’m sweet.”

“I do,” she assured him.

He growled. “Was I sweet when I bent you over the couch, held your hands behind your back and fucked your tight little pussy so hard that your feet left the floor?”

Halle’s breath quickened. Each time they’d been together, he’d gotten rougher and rougher. And she liked it. She’d goaded him. She got the feeling that he tried to hold back with her, but his control always deserted him toward the end. Then he’d become wild and unrestrained. While he’d had her over the couch, he’d bitten the back of her neck, her shoulder, her waist, and the base of her spine. And he’d growled so loudly as he was doing it that she’d come multiple times.

As he stared at her now, his eyes glowing, she wanted him again. How was that even possible? Was this normal? Her body ached and yet she knew she wouldn’t tell him no. “Dade, you can’t possibly want to—”

“I do.”

She squirmed in her seat to relieve some of the throbbing between her thighs. “Is this usually what happens?”

“The lust?” At her nod, he continued. “Yes. People talk about fucking like rabbits. They should say like werewolves. We’re a lusty lot—especially when we’ve found our mates. It’s why I was so shocked to have visitors. They know better. My mom was just too excited to meet you to observe proper werewolf etiquette.”

She laughed. “There’s etiquette?”

“All societies do or there’d be chaos.”

“Well, I—” In the distance, she could hear her cell phone ringing. She frowned. “I think it’s upstairs.” She’d plugged it in next to the bed.

“Go get it. I’ll clean this up.” He stood and gathered their dishes.

She pointed her finger at him. “I’m doing the dishes. You can take them to the kitchen, but that’s it.”

He grinned. “Sure.”

She jogged up the stairs and got to her phone just as the screen went dark. She unplugged it and checked the missed call. It was Missy. She hoped nothing was wrong with the house. She touched her name to return her cousin’s call. “Hi, Missy. I’m sorry I missed your call. I was downstairs. What’s up?”

“Nothing. I was calling to check up on you. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine.”

“How is Dade treating you? Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” she answered slowly. “Why wouldn’t it be? Is something wrong?”

She sighed. “No. It’s just…Lamar is saying some really crazy shit.”

Halle frowned. “Really? Like what?”

“That Dade is dangerous.”

She made a sound of disgust. “I wish he’d just leave me alone.”

“No, listen, he said that he heard—”

“No, you listen,” she interrupted, hotly, “Lamar doesn’t know a damn thing about Dade. Dade’s been nothing but wonderful to me. Lamar can’t stand the thought that I’ve gotten over him. I’ve barely been here a day and he’s already spreading rumors?”

“You know what? Forget about Lamar. He’s being petty. As Joel Osteen says, don’t let him steal your joy.”

Halle laughed. “Since when did you start watching Joel Osteen?”

“Since forever. He’s very uplifting.”

“That he is.”

“Anyway, this is supposed to be a happy time for you. Everything happened so fast, I needed to make sure you were okay.”

She and Missy weren’t as close as they once were when they were children, but she knew that her cousin loved her. “I’m doing great. If I need help, you’ll be the first person I call.”

Missy grunted. “How about you don’t put yourself in situations where you need help?”

“Missy, really, he’s being so wonderful to me.”

“I believe you. So, listen, when are you going to come and get the rest of your stuff?”

“Um, maybe a week or two? I’ll have to check with Dade.” She’d left her car behind because she wouldn’t need it right away. Also, Dade had been worried that she’d get lost on the way to the cabin.

“What is all this stuff in your old room anyway?”

“Old hobbies.” She’d packed away most of her belongings in boxes. “Don’t mess with it. I’ll get it. I’ll talk to Dade about it tonight.”


“Oh, and Missy, don’t tell Grandma about the rumors. I don’t want her to worry.”

“I won’t, but she’ll hear it anyway. You know how small this town is. I’d suggest you call her so she can hear it from you that your husband isn’t using you for stew.”

“He did not say that!”

Missy laughed. “No, but close.” Someone said something in the background and there was some rustling. “Okay, I’ve got to go. I’ve got a date. I’ll hear from you soon?”

“Yeah. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Great. Bye.”


She shook her head. She was furious with Lamar for slandering Dade’s reputation. Dade was an outsider and a werewolf. Everyone in her hometown probably believed Lamar’s lies.

When she got to the kitchen, Dade was putting their plates in the dishwasher. He’d put away the leftovers and washed any dishes that didn’t fit in the dishwasher. She threw her hands up. “What happened to waiting? I was supposed to do the dishes.”

He folded a kitchen towel and draped it over the oven handle to dry. “Why would I wait? There weren’t many dishes. I wasn’t doing anything. Now,” he said, grabbing her hips and tugging them flush with his, “we can do something together. Any suggestions?” He grinned, his golden eyes glowing and his ultra-white canines denting his bottom lip. He looked wild and so sexy.

“Well, I hear there’s a scary movie marathon on—” She yelped as he bent at the knees and tossed her over his shoulder. She laughed as he mounted the stairs. “I want to be on top this time.”

He slapped her bottom. “No.”

Chapter Fourteen

Dade leaned against his porch railing, watching as his mother excitedly led Halle around the back yard introducing her to the pack. His father pressed a cup of punch into his hand. “You’d think she was the one who got married,” Dade said. He sipped the punch. It was fruity and sweet. It was non-alcoholic. Because of their fast metabolism, it was almost impossible for a werewolf to get drunk, therefore, they didn’t drink alcohol often. Dade’s favorite drink was water, but he did love fruit.

His father grinned. “Well, you did make us wait. Your thirtieth was fast approaching. Your mother could barely sleep at night, she was so worried.”

Dade jerked, sloshing red liquid over the back of his hand. “Dad, I—”

Jim held up a hand. “Don’t apologize. It wasn’t something you had control over.”

But he did. He could have chosen a mate years ago. As Alpha, he’d had many offers. But he’d waited for his true mate. And he couldn’t regret that.

“Should I go and rescue your bride?”

Dade shook his head. “Let Mom have her fun.”

“Congrats again, man.”

Dade turned at the slap on his back. “Hey, Travis. Glad you could make it. Where’s Jack?”

“Picking up his date. He said he’d be right—” Travis swore. Then he nodded his head toward the side of the house. “There he is,” he said tightly. “That idiot.”

Jack was strolling around the side of the house with his arm around his date’s waist. She had dark brown hair that reached the middle of her waist. Dade thought she was overdressed in a shimmering pink mini-dress. Her matching pumps that were sure to leave punctures in his soil. It was a wonder she could walk on the grass at all since it had rained the night before. As his mother had stressed that it was a casual occasion, most of the other women wore jeans or sundresses.

“You and Jack have a fight?” Jim asked Travis.

“We’re about to. Don’t you recognize his date? That’s Mina.”

“Fuck,” Dade bit out. “I didn’t know she’d changed her hair.”

“Should I ask her to leave?”

Travis had already taken a step when Dade shook his head. “She’s pack. We can’t exclude her. Besides, now that I’m mated, what can she do but move on?”

Travis grumbled. “You’re forgetting one thing. You can’t expect crazy to accept logic.”

Dade laughed. “She’s perfectly sane. She’s just ambitious.” Mina went to the extreme, but she wasn’t that different from other werewolf females. She had a goal and she wouldn’t be easily deterred. And if he hadn’t been so close to his thirtieth birthday, he might have slept with her. But he would have made it clear to her that they would never be mates. Because though Mina was attractive, he’d never liked her. She was uppity and unfriendly unless she needed something.

“As long as she’s a pack member, you really can’t ban her from pack events,” his father said in support of his earlier statement.

“Who are we thinking of banning? Surely, not me.” Dillon draped his arm around Dade’s shoulder. “I can’t help it if I’m the more handsome brother.”

Dade rolled his eyes and shrugged off Dillon’s arm. “It should be you. Where’s your better half?”

Dillon pointed at one of the buffet tables. “She’s feeding the gremlins.” His oldest, Daniel, had a plate piled high with ribs. His little face and hands were stained with barbeque. At only seven, he was twice the height of most kids his age. As they watched, Daniel tore off a piece of meat and gave it to his baby sister Peyton. Peyton’s face was also smeared with sauce. Holly held baby Amelia in her arms as she followed her other two children around the table.

“Why don’t you go help her so that she can get something to eat?” his father suggested.

“Sure.” He turned as he backed away. “Dade, what did you cook?”

“Nothing.” He’d offered to grill burgers, steaks, and hot dogs, but his mother had forbidden it. This was an event to celebrate his good fortune, she said. He should allow himself and his mate to be pampered. As promised, his mother had handled everything. She’d consulted them on the menu, but she’d arranged the food, drinks, and the decorations. She’d also paid for everything. She wouldn’t even show him a bill.

Dillon swore. But then he brightened. “Hey, you should invite us over for dinner. Just family. And Travis, of course,” he added, noting the other man standing there.

Dade shook his head. “Stop thinking with your stomach. Why don’t you learn to cook?”

“I know how to cook. But it tastes so much better when you do it.”

“Dillon. Holly. Now,” Jim said sternly.

“Going!” He whipped around and hurried to his wife’s side.

Dade searched the yard for Halle. His mother was still dragging her from one pack member to another. Dade was sure that Halle would never remember all of their names. He watched for a few minutes to make sure everyone was giving Halle the proper respect. Not that he expected trouble. His pack members were a close lot. Most were friendly. But all of them were willing to do anything for another pack member. And Halle was pack.

“Are we having a run tonight?” Travis asked.

“No.” Halle wasn’t able to shift yet. She’d grown increasingly sensitive to sounds and smells and Dade sensed that it wouldn’t be long. Halle kept asking for reassurance that the shift wouldn’t hurt. He told her that it wouldn’t but he knew she would be nervous until she experienced it firsthand.

Travis nodded. After all, it would be rude to have a run when the new Alpha female would be excluded. And no one expected her to be able to shift this soon. “I’m starving,” Travis said.

“You go on. I’m waiting to get my wife back.”

“That could take a while,” his father said before deserting him for the buffet table.

Fifteen minutes later, Dade lost his patience. He needed his mate by his side, needed to hold her close, to feel her warmth and her soft curves. Halle and his mother were talking to Rick and his current girlfriend. Dade tossed his drink cup and crossed the yard to retrieve his wife. He wrapped his arm around Halle’s waist and pulled her into his side. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled her sweet scent.

Rick grinned at him. “Congrats, man.”


He glanced between the two of them. “Did you convince her to trade in the car? I can get you a good deal on a new SUV.”

Dade shook his head. He hadn’t even tried. Getting Halle to accept the repairs he’d had done to her car was difficult enough. He figured he’d wait a month or two and then replace the car. Her birthday was coming up soon. She’d have no choice but to accept it.

“I am capable of making decisions for myself,” Halle said.

Rick held his hands up as if in surrender. “Forgive me,” he said quickly.

Dade chuckled. “She doesn’t bite. At least not yet.” He was proud of Halle for speaking up. truthfully, he’d been unsure of what to expect when introducing her to the pack. Halle was so nonconfrontational even in the face of insult. It wouldn’t do for the pack to view her as a pushover. They’d be nice to her because he’d demand it, but they wouldn’t respect her.

He kissed the top of Halle’s head. “Mom, do you mind if I borrow my wife for a few minutes?” He felt like he hadn’t been alone with his wife in hours even though it’d probably been less than half that. But he needed to check in with her and see how she was feeling. He knew he was feeling a bit fragmented without her at his side. They’d spent the last couple of weeks glued to each other’s sides. And still, he couldn’t get enough of her.

His mother looked around. “Oh, but there are still so many people I haven’t introduced her to.”

“Mom, Dad and Dillon are already at the buffet. I’d like to take Halle over before all the food is gone.” The spread was generous so there was little likelihood that even his brother could power his way through it. Still, it wasn’t impossible. So, technically, he wasn’t lying.

His mother looked torn and he experienced a twinge of guilt for trying to manipulate her. Then he caught a whiff of Halle’s sweet scent as the wind shifted. Guilt didn’t stand a chance against her seductive fragrance of orange blossoms and vanilla.

His mother firmed her lips. “If you’ll excuse me,” Beth said, hurrying over to the buffet tables.

Grinning, Dade nodded to Rick and his girlfriend and led Halle back toward the house. If he was lucky, they might be able to sneak off somewhere and spend a few minutes alone before his mother began searching for them.

“I thought we were going to eat?”

He shook his head. “If this were a sit-down dinner, I’d insist on eating first. This is informal. It’s mostly finger food. No one is filling up on those tiny sliders or sausages on toothpicks.” He squeezed her hip. “Don’t worry. I’ll always take care of my baby. I’ve got a pork roast at the back of the fridge for our dinner.”

“Are you ever going to let me cook for you?”

“You helped with breakfast,” he argued.

She rolled her eyes. “I made toast.”

“Well, I would have burned the eggs if you didn’t.”

“Why don’t you just admit you love to cook and you don’t want me in your kitchen?”

His cheeks burned. He did love to cook. It was a new discovered he’d made about himself. But what made it so enjoyable was that he was providing for his mate. “There will plenty of opportunities for you to cook me dinner when I go back to work.” He led her into the house and was immediately disappointed to find it occupied with more of his pack members mingling. And werewolves were still arriving. He sighed as they were surrounded by well-wishers.

Halle giggled. Lifting up on her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his jaw before turning her attention to their guests.


Beth had rented extra picnic tables for the celebration. The table at which Halle sat had been placed close enough beneath a giant tree that she could lean back against the trunk. It had been an exhausting afternoon. She’d met so many people. Everyone had been friendly, but she’d be lucky if she even remembered half the names. She marveled that there could be so many werewolves so close to her home and she’d never known it.

Many of their guests had left after they served cake and ice cream. Dillon and Holly and the other couples with young children had been amongst the first to leave. The lingering few were mostly single males. They had drawn Dade into a noisy and terrifyingly brutal game of football. Not that she was worried about her man. He was the tallest and broadest of all the werewolves. She could easily pick him out of any group.

As she sipped her cup of water, her gaze met his. It wasn’t the first time today. He’d checked on her constantly. Occasionally, it was just a look but most often he’d come to her side, hold her close, and inhale her scent like he’d never smelled anything better.

A toothy grin spread over his face and then he was back to knocking his friends to the ground. Halle laughed. My how she’d come to love that grin! My how she’d come to love that man!

Her brain stuttered to a halt. Love? Had Dade ever mentioned the word love to her? They hadn’t exchanged the words. It was silly that the topic of love hadn’t come up considering that they were married, mated, and actively trying for a baby.

Before she could have a meltdown, she reminded herself that Dade was fully committed to her. Even if he didn’t love her now, he’d come to love her one day. Right?

“What’s the score?”

Halle glanced to the side as a woman with long brown hair slid onto the picnic bench next to her. She remembered meeting her earlier, but of course, she couldn’t recall her name. “I don’t think they’re keeping score. They just seem to be enjoying trying to kill each other.”

The brunette nodded before reaching into her purse and pulling out a gold compact. “I’m surprised to see Dade out there. Violence isn’t really his thing.”

She said it in such a way that Halle’s eyebrows rose. “Oh?”

The other woman smiled. “We met earlier. I’m Mina. I came with Dade’s friend Jack. Dade hasn’t mentioned me?”

Halle shook her head. “No,” she replied, her stomach beginning to cramp as a smile curled Mina’s lips. She’d never seen a person whose smile reminded her so much of the Grinch.

“Why we went to school together.” She leaned close and whispered. “He asked me out once, but no need to worry. We never actually dated. I changed my mind.”


Mina sighed. “So, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I mean…even if he—” She stopped and shook her head. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter. The two of you are mated now.”

An acrid odor filled her nostrils and Halle put down her cup. She felt like she might retch. What she’d thought might be nerves about what this woman might say, seemed to be manifesting itself physically. She stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I—”

Mina vaulted over the side of the bench to stand at her side faster than Halle would have thought possible in such a short skirt. “You look…well, not so good. Are you okay? Listen, never mind what I said. I’m sure Dade is over whatever feelings he might have had for me,” Mina babbled. She grabbed hold of Halle’s arm with both hands. Though Halle thought she might have meant it to be supportive, it felt like a restraint. “So, you shouldn’t even bother to mention this to Dade. I mean, we almost rekindled things, but that was before he found you…. And I’m sure he’s not in love with me. I mean, even if he was, he’d be obligated to be with you because of the mating.”

Halle had heard enough. Her claws tingled and ripped out of her fingertips. She tugged her arm away from Mina with such force that the other woman stumbled in her high heels. “As I was saying,” she practically growled, “if you’ll excuse me, I need a moment alone.”

She headed for the house but wheeled around before she was anywhere near the back porch or the men playing football. Half of their few remaining guests were in there helping Beth clean up. She just needed a few minutes to sort her thoughts and feelings.

Not wanting to draw attention to herself, she made for the woods. She and Dade had walked through them enough evenings that she felt confident that she wouldn’t get lost. As she moved away from the others, the fetid odor faded and with it, her nausea.

A maelstrom of anger, confusion, and hurt fueled her steps. She wandered until she could no longer hear the men’s shouts clearly.

Sweat dotted her brow as she continued. Halle swiped it away impatiently. Though the trees provided shade, they also blocked the wind. The forest was still and quiet, the only sound that of her footsteps.

She released an angry huff. She didn’t know who she was madder at—herself or Dade. He’d never promised love or even mentioned it. He’d talked about mating and vowed her a lifetime of fidelity. She’d been so focused on the promise of a secure future that she hadn’t given love a thought.

Could he be in love with another woman and only be obliged by some whim of fate to be with her?

She tripped on a downed tree limb and cursed. Sweat was pouring down her temples now and her sundress clung to her. Why was it suddenly so hot? She had the sudden urge to whip her clothes off and—


She recognized that deep growl. Her fingers curled into fists, her sharp nails scoring her palms. She didn’t want to talk to him right now. She was too angry, too on edge. “Go away, Dade.”

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.”

“Later,” she yelled, speeding up as she glimpsed him getting closer.

“I’m not leaving you.”

“Whether you want to or not,” she grumbled, breaking into a slight run.

Dade released a bark of laughter. “Baby…are you running from me? You know that’s not a good idea, right? You know what’ll happen if I chase you.”

Her heart thumped. Animal instincts would drive him. Part of her was thrilled at the idea of being his prey. What was left of her common sense caused her to run faster. She was amazed at how quickly she could move. Trees whipped by in her peripheral vision.

But as fast as she was running, Dade was closing in on her. She made the mistake of looking behind her. Dade was within arm’s reach. His gold eyes fairly glowed. Hair lined his jaw. She wished she had time to take off her sandals so that she could really run.

She leapt over a fallen log. Dade caught her mid-leap, wrapping his arms around her and twisting so that he landed on the bottom as gravity took them to the ground. She wriggled and pushed at his hold to no avail. “Let me go.”

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong. Why did you leave?”

“I was talking with your ex—”

“None of my exes were at the house.”

“Mina delighted in telling me about how you’ve been crushing on her since high school.”

“Mina?” he scoffed. “We’ve never—”

“Oh, I know. She told me how you’ve been pining away for her, but that she turned you down.”

Growling, Dade rolled over and pinned her beneath him. His scowl was fierce. If she didn’t know him, she’d be terrified. “I asked Mina out once in high school. All the boys did. I didn’t want anything more than what they wanted—which wasn’t noble, but I was a super horny werewolf teenager. I’d have fucked any werewolf female that would let me. Mina and I never went out because I wasn’t willing to spend a fortune on one date. I wasn’t fancy enough for her.”

“She said that you were in love with her.”

“And what did you do?”

“I left. But what I wanted to do was to claw her face off.” She’d never felt more like hurting someone in her entire life. Just recalling Mina’s smug face made her claws ache to be released. It was a little frightening.

“She’s lying. I don’t love her. I never have. I’ve never been in love before.”

Her eyes dropped to his lips. She longed to ask him if he could ever see himself loving her, but was afraid to ask.

“All better now?” She nodded. “Good.” His voice was so deep, she could barely understand him. He reached down between them. Her eyes widened as he unfastened his jeans and yanked up her dress.

“What are you doing?”

He bent and licked her neck from the base up to her ear. “Claiming my prize.”

“We can’t. We have guests back at—” She shrieked in surprise as he ripped off her panties and flipped her onto her hands and knees. “Wait, I—”

“What?” He raked the thick head of his dick through her slit. A moan slipped out. She was suddenly aware of how much she needed him. “Don’t worry about the guests. They’ll understand.”

She nodded. “Don’t stop.”

With a grunt, he found her center and entered her in one rough thrust. Then he dropped back on his knees and drew her onto his lap. He pulled her dress over her head and tossed it aside. Her bra was next, discarded with a distinct lack of care for where it landed. He buried his face in her neck, his lips, tongue, and teeth teasing her sensitive skin.

He pinched her nipples as his hips slammed up. Halle cried out. The motion pulled at the aroused peaks, but also, Dade had immediately found her g-spot. She held onto his thighs and moved with him, swiveling her hips and meeting him thrust for thrust. His deep, masculine groans filled her ears.

The first orgasm crashed over her hard and fast, sending her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Dade growled, his teeth sinking into her flesh. He licked the wound, sealing it. “Yeah, baby. You feel fucking amazing.” He gripped her waist and fucked her on and off of his cock, driving through her still clenching tissues.

Halle wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on as he bounced her up and down without restraint. His fingers dug into her ribs. He leaned back, dislodging her arms, plunging into her with more force, unleashing all of his passions on her. So much so that the woods were filled with the sounds of her screams and the wet smacks of their bodies colliding.

She was close to going over the edge again when she thought she heard the snap of a twig. She stilled.

“What?” he asked, never stopping his lusty movements.

Her head fell back. She didn’t hear any further sounds and she couldn’t concentrate on anything other than Dade moving so powerfully inside her. “Nothing. Don’t…stop,” she begged.

He groaned. “I can’t.” He reached between her legs and stroked her clit, making her moan with pleasure. If possible, he began to piston in and out of her even faster. “Come for me again so I can fill this pussy up.”

His dirty words coupled with his illicit touch had her screaming, her pussy seizing over his rigid flesh. And then he joined her, his cock swelling and filling her with hot jets of his cum. He held her close, jolting her as he jerked with the force of his orgasm.

With a groan, he relaxed but continued to hold her within the circle of his arms. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder blade. “Baby, how could you possibly believe—even for a second—that I was in love with that woman? You’re my mate. Evidently, I didn’t explain this fully.” He stood, lifting her with him, and turned her to face him before fixing his pants. “You’re my everything. I—”

Halle swayed. She grabbed onto his upper arm to keep upright.

He caught her about the waist and steadied her. “Are you okay? Fuck. I was too rough.”

She shook her head. “No. It’s just so hot. I got a little lightheaded.”

He frowned. “It’s not hot.” He tilted his head as he studied her. “Baby, your eyes are glowing.”

“I feel…funny,” she whispered, not knowing how else to describe the sudden jumble of sensations. She was overly warm. Her skin prickled with pins and needles. A shiver shook her frame and suddenly it was difficult to stand still. She shifted and stretched to her tiptoes. Her muscles really liked that and she pushed her arms up high over her head. It eased the growing tension in her spine.

A wide grin broke out over Dade’s face. “You’re about to shift,” he said proudly.

“What? No. I-I can’t.” She shook her head. “I’m scared.”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of.” He released her and quickly stripped off his clothes. “I’ll do it with you. Don’t fight it. It can be beautiful. Just let it wash over you.” He squeezed her hands before stepping back. “Watch me.”

His shift was so seamless and fluid. It was over in seconds. He sat down in front of her, a large wolf, bigger than any natural wolf should be. He nudged her hand and licked it as if to encourage her. She bit her lip. She wanted to do it, wanted to be with him, but she didn’t know how.

Dade continued to stare up at her. His intelligent gold eyes bored into her. “Don’t give me that look. I don’t know what to do. Your directions were high on Zen and low on detail.” The wolf grinned at her, its tongue hanging out the side. “I should be frightened by all those teeth,” she muttered. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Let it wash over you,” she whispered, reaching for what she didn’t know. Inhaling again, she repeated, “Wash over you….” The final word came out on a long undulation.

Halle blinked. Suddenly she was looking up at Dade’s wolf. He nuzzled her neck and licked her face. His furry body pressed against her furry body. When the enthusiastic greeting was done, he raced away before returning to her. She understood he was inviting her to a run and followed him the next time he ran off.

She was amazed at how fast she could run. Their surroundings blended into a blur of color as she followed Dade. An incredible feeling of freedom filled her. She would have laughed if she’d been able.

At a clearing, Dade finally came to a stop. He tilted his head back and howled. She stopped at his side. It was only natural to join him in song. Others joined them as well. Their family. Halle had never felt so welcomed, so much a member of a family as she did in that moment.

When they fell silent, the sound of their howls echoed before slowly fading. Dade nuzzled her, licked her face and neck. Then he gave her a firm nudge that pushed her off balance. When he did it a second time, she got the message and lay down on her side. She lifted her chin to show him her throat. He fitted his jaws over it for a second before licking her again and laying down at her side.

As seamlessly as he’d done before, he shifted back to his human form. “Change back,” he demanded.

For a second, she feared that she wouldn’t be able to do it. But before she could panic, she was human again.

Dade grinned down at her. “Perfect.”

She returned his grin. “What did my wolf look like?”

“Like mine—only smaller with your beautiful dark brown eyes. You were amazing,” he said, sounded awed as he reached out to cup her jaw. He leaned over her and kissed her. He licked the seam of her lips and she opened to him.

She gasped, withdrawing at the first taste of him. Her body sizzled like she’d been zapped with electricity. The jolt was quickly followed by a wave of desire so strong she considered pushing Dade onto his back and mounting him. Her nipples were tight and her pussy pulsed with need. “Dade, what…?”

He grinned. “Yeah. You feel it, don’t you?”noveldrama

“What is it?”

“It’s what I feel when I’m with you. Only you.”

Unable to fight the urge any longer, she shoved at his shoulder and straddled his chest. Dade laughed before rolling her beneath him. “Dade, please.” She lifted her hips to his. He studied her, a smile curling his lips, and his brows rose expectantly. Halle emitted a small growl of frustration. Reluctantly, she showed him her neck, giving him the submission he demanded.

He nuzzled her neck before nipping it. Then he rolled over, allowing her to be on top. He gripped her hips and positioned himself at her opening. He thrust up as he dropped her onto his erection. Halle gasped as he stretched her sheath. Her nails dug into his shoulders. Moaning, she didn’t hesitate to begin moving on top of him. Dade groaned deeply but for a change, he didn’t dictate her moves.

Her eyes met his. What she saw there made her pause. Her heart tried to beat its way out of her chest. She recognized that look. It was love, but so much more. It was a connection the likes of which she could never have imagined. Finally, she understood what he’d been trying to tell her all along. And she understood why he’d had such difficulty explaining it to her. The bond she felt with him was indescribable. It was soul deep and there was no room for anyone else. There was no way that Dade was in love with Mina or any other woman.

She touched his face, smoothing her thumbs over his brows, tracing his cheekbones, and then focusing on his full lips. “You’re my everything,” she said, echoing his words from earlier. “And…I love you.”

He smiled. “I love you, too.” And then he turned his head and exposed his neck to her.

Halle bent and inhaled his scent. It was uniquely Dade but he also smelled like her because she’d had her hands all over him. Her gums tingled and then her canines lengthened. And then she gave him her mark.

He grunted, his cock jerked, and he thrust up into her. “Oh, fuck, that’s good,” he groaned.

Halle licked his wound closed. It healed instantly. He was still twitching beneath her. She grinned and collapsed on top of him. “You really like being bitten, huh?”

“Yeah, I do.” He rolled them again. Debris from the forest floor clung to both of them. “And I’m betting you will, too.” He ran his teeth over the shell of her ear before nipping the lobe. At her moan, he chuckled. “Good?”

She nodded eagerly. She dug her nails into his shoulders and squeezed his cock with her internal muscles. “So good.”

Dade cupped her bottom and tilted her into his thrusts. It was hard and deep and had her toes curling immediately. Her head fell back as Dade fucked her like it was his mission in life to burrow as deep into her as possible. He found her g-spot. She cried out and wrapped her legs around his waist, riding him back with equal abandon. It was wild and uninhibited. Her world centered around pleasing her mate and receiving pleasure in turn.

She screamed as he began grinding down into her, his pelvic bone stimulating her clit even as the head of his cock stroked her on the inside. Combined with Dade’s deep throated groans and she was in heaven. Her orgasm rushed over her. Without thinking, she bit his shoulder. He bucked, shouted, and then filled her with a hot jet of cum. The pressure of it along with his swelling cock into her already clenching pussy made her writhe in ecstasy.

Her legs were still trembling when he moved to the side. They were both panting. “Wow,” she muttered.

“Yeah,” he said, a wide grin curving his lips.

Halle giggled. “There’s a party at our house.”

His golden eyes sparkled with happiness. “Not anymore. I told everyone to get out when I saw you walk off.”

“That’s rude,” she said but she was too tired for her words to have any real heat.

He shrugged. “You needed me. You’re my priority.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They were silent for a while. If it weren’t for a stick digging into her back, she could have fallen asleep. She yawned. “How are we going to find our clothes?”

“Baby, we’re werewolves.” He tapped the bridge of his nose. “There’s nothing we can’t find.”

Chapter Fifteen

This was ridiculous, Halle thought, lamenting her pathetic state. She’d been with Dade less than five hours ago and she missed him like crazy. The thought of spending the night without him opened a yawning chasm in her belly. It was only one night, she reminded herself. She’d be home by lunch tomorrow. The irony was not lost on her that she was standing in the only home she’d ever known. After only two weeks away, she considered the house she shared with Dade to be her true home.

So, it was strange to see so many of her belongings still scattered about the house. Missy had packed anything she’d left behind in the master bedroom. That had amounted to one box. Halle had already put that in her car. The bulk of her stuff was in the hobby room as she wasn’t taking her television or any of the kitchen appliances such as her toaster and coffee maker. Dade already had a fully stocked kitchen and his televisions were larger and newer than hers.

As she sorted through her old hobbies, she realized much of it was junk and she didn’t know why she didn’t toss it much sooner. She had jigsaw puzzles, paint-by-number canvases, and old sketch books. As much as she loved art, she realized early on that she didn’t have the talent to be an artist. That had been a painful epiphany.

Halle dumped all of it in a large trash bag. She’d take it to the dump on her way home tomorrow. She was only staying one night. Dade had gone back to work today after dropping her off. At the moment, she was alone. When she’d arrived, she’d crossed paths with Missy as her cousin was on her way out to the office. Missy would be home after work. She’d promised to stop by Millie’s and pick up burgers for dinner. They’d have a girl’s night in and catch up with each other.

Her hobby room, her old bedroom was small with double windows. She’d placed a desk under them where her twin bed used to be. A rocking chair sat in the corner with a half-finished quilt draped over the arm. She had a dozen finished ones neatly arranged on shelves on the wall. Her favorite was of pink and yellow moths. The bright colors reminded her of bubble gum and it never failed to cheer her up. But the reason she liked it best was because her mother had helped her with the pattern. It was one of the few interests they’d shared. Halle hugged the quilt to her chest before placing it in a box.

In the end, she decided to trash everything but the quilts and her quilting paraphernalia, fabric, thread, scissors, rulers, books, and more. She boxed it all up and began carrying it out to her car. In the morning, she was going to want to leave as quickly as possible and not have to spend an hour loading the car. Her back seat, trunk, and even the passenger seat was filled to capacity.

She grunted as she squished the bag of trash deeper into the floorboard of her backseat. She was half inside the car when she heard a car pull into her driveway. Halle had to wiggle her way out past all the boxes.

When she straightened, she was engulfed in a pair of male arms. The scent of him made her angry and nauseous. This wasn’t her husband and she didn’t appreciate the surprise. She had to suppress a growl. She fought her way out of the enthusiastic hug.

“Halle, I was so happy to hear you were home.” Lamar grinned down at her.

“Who told you I was here?”

“It’s all over town. People saw that…animal drop you off this morning. I was so worried about you.”

She made a sound of disgust. “Why? He’s my husband. He’d never hurt me.”

“You don’t have to lie. I’ll take you away—somewhere he’ll never find you.” He cupped her shoulders. “It was always meant to be me and you, Halle. I’ve never loved another woman the way I loved you.”

She shrugged his hands off. “Then I really feel sorry for Amy.” She closed her car door. “I’m not going anywhere with you, Lamar. Dade hasn’t hurt me and if you don’t stop spreading that rumor—”

“A female werewolf from his clan came to me and told me all about him. About how he was using her for sex, about how he treated her like trash. But even if she hadn’t told me, I’ve seen him abusing you with my own eyes.” He shook his head. “I’m so sorry, Halle. I couldn’t think of a way to help you then. That’s why we need to get going now.” He grabbed her arm and tugged her toward his car.

Huffing, she yanked out of his hold. Scowling at him, she asked, “What female? And what do you mean you saw him abusing me?”

“Mina told me that you were having a party. I thought I might get the chance to help you escape, but there were too many of those animals surrounding you. And then you ran off into the woods and I followed but you were running so fast. Damn, girl, you should have run track. Anyway, when I caught up to you….” He shook his head. “That…monster was raping you.”

Halle blinked. Her face felt like it was on fire. “You….” She stopped and cleared her throat. She couldn’t meet his gaze. “That-that wasn’t rape.”

“Halle, don’t lie to me. He was so rough with you. I’m surprised you can walk if that’s the way he treats you.”

“I am not going to discuss our sex life with you. And I’m not leaving with you.” She inhaled. “Lamar, when we were together, we were young—too young to get married. And despite what you think, I’m over you. I love my husband.”

He shook his head. “Mina warned me that he had you too scared to run, but she told me some ways to hide from him.”

“And what about your children? You’re willing to abandon them?”

He shrugged. “They’ve got their mother and a host of other relatives.”

Halle looked him over from head to toe. She didn’t bother to hide her disgust. “You’re a horrible father. And you think I’d run off with you?”

“I’d be there for our babies.” He grabbed her hand. “You never truly get over your first.”

“It’s more like that unfortunately you never forget your first.”

“I’m doing this for your own good, Halle. I love you.”

Suddenly, she was surrounded by that same fetid odor she’d smelled when she’d talked to Mina. She fell back a step and pressed the back of her hand to her nose. The door handle of her car poked into her side. The meaning of the scent was suddenly clear. She was smelling lies. “No, you don’t,” she said with certainty. “You don’t even know what that means. You just can’t stand the thought that I’ve moved on with someone else. You like the idea of someone being in love with you.” She shook her head. “You’re wasting your time. I haven’t loved you since high school. And even that was only a crush. It’s nothing compared to what I have with Dade.”

Lamar sighed. “Are you going to make this easy?” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a handful of zip ties. “Or are you going to fight me?”

She narrowed her eyes at him, a growl vibrating in her throat. “Fight,” she declared, grinning when his eyes widened in terror.

“Y-your eyes…t-they’re glowing…. What has he done to you?”

“He made me his in all ways.” She approached him and he backed away. “It’s time—once and for all—that you understood that my life didn’t end when I dumped you. I should thank you for being stupid enough to be so brazen with your infidelity. Now, I’m with a man—not some boy who goes around irresponsibly making babies and has no respect for women.” She snatched the zip ties out of his hands. “I’ve tried to be patient with you for the sake of your babies and Amy, God bless her. But attempted kidnapping? I’m not willing to overlook that. And if you care so little for your children that you were willing to abandon them, then perhaps they’re better off without you.” She wrinkled her nose as the stench of urine reached her nostrils. She looked down at Lamar’s crotch just as he did. They both watched as a shameful dark stain spread over his thigh.

“W-what are you going to do to me?”

She pinched her nose. “Whatever it is, it will involve as little physical contact as possible.”


Dade sighed and plopped down on the sofa. He ran his hand through his hair. The house was too quiet and empty without Halle. He rubbed his chest. The house wasn’t the only thing that felt cavernous. He reminded himself that she would be home tomorrow morning to soothe the gaping emptiness.

He turned on the television to fill the quiet while he mulled over his dinner options. Without Halle, he didn’t feel like going to much trouble. He wondered if there was any of the store-bought roasted chicken in the—

The front door opened and closed. Since mating Halle, he’d stopped locking the door. It was a safe neighborhood. They were surrounded by pack members. And…well, he wasn’t afraid of intruders. They should fear him.

He stood. The click of heels on the hardwood floors momentarily had his heart leaping in anticipation of seeing Halle. But then he remembered that Halle didn’t own any shoes with heels. She wore sneakers or sandals with soft bottoms.

Mina rounded the corner. He scowled at her outfit—what there was of it. It was some sort of bathing suit thing—he couldn’t recall the proper name—made of pale pink lace.

Mina smiled. “Like what you see?”

“Honestly? No. What the fuck are you doing here?”

Her smile didn’t falter as she sauntered over to him. “I’ve come to claim what’s mine.”

He backed up a step. He could not hit a woman. “Mina, I’m mated. And if you can’t respect that, you need to find another pack.”

“You won’t be mated for long,” she said confidently.

His eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about?”

She trailed her nails down his chest. “She’s human. You can’t count on humans.”

He slapped her hand away. “You’re the worst werewolf ever. You’re so busy trying to be human that you’ve forgotten our ways. She’s my mate. I’ve changed her.”

“It doesn’t matter. That takes too long to take effect. By then, she’ll be long gone with her ex-boyfriend.”

Dade growled. “Never. I’ll rip his head off.”

“Word is, she’s in love with him. Sorry, Dade.” She tried to drape her arms around his neck. “Just accept we should be together. This is the way it’s meant to be. I’ll be loyal to you. Our pups will be so strong—”

The slamming front door interrupted her. Halle drew to a halt when she saw them, Mina with her arms linked around his neck. He shoved Mina off. In his haste, he used too much force. Mina tottered to the side and then fell onto the couch. Dade ignored her and rushed to Halle. “Baby, this is definitely not what it looks like.”

She smiled at him. “I know. Lamar tried to kidnap me—”

“He what?” He was heading for the door when she pulled him around.

“And after I cuffed him and called the cops, he spilled everything. About how Mina introduced herself to him and the two of them formulated a plan. He was supposed to seduce me and she would seduce you.”

He shook his head. “That’s the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard.” He turned to glare at Mina as she struggled to stand. The soft cushions and her shoes worked against her. Dade estimated the heels on her pumps to be about five inches high. “How did you even think it would ever work? Halle and I are bonded mates. We will always want to be together.”

“It’s not stupid. Perhaps desperate. But you wouldn’t listen to reason. I’m so much better for you than she could ever be.” Mina shot a glare at Halle as she finally made it to her feet. “I deserve to be the mate of an Alpha. The only mistake I made was entrusting any part of my plan with a human.”

“Is there no reasoning with you?” he asked, weary of dealing with her.

“Dade, I’ve moved around quite a bit since we left town. I’ve met a lot of other Alphas—all of them assholes. You’re the only Alpha I’ve ever met who didn’t just want to use me and toss me aside. The others promised me the world, but none of them ever wanted to commit.” She turned sad blue eyes on him. “You’re a special werewolf, Dade Stone.”

“That’s a nice sob story,” Halle snapped. “Consider yourself exiled, banished, excommunicated.” She waved around a hand. “Or whatever.”

“You can’t banish me,” Mina exclaimed. “You’re just some weak human—”

Eyes glowing with fury, Halle stepped around him to confront Mina. She stood so close that Mina was in danger of toppling backward onto the sofa again. “I’m the Alpha female. And if I say you’re out of the pack, you’re out.” At Halle’s growl, Mina automatically lowered her gaze in submission. It was the growl of an Alpha female and she was compelled to obey.

Dade was so proud of his mate. His cheeks ached because his grin was so large.

Mina leaned around Halle. “Dade, you’re not going to let her do this, are you? The unmated males in the pack will be furious—”

He shrugged. “They’ll understand or they’ll get the fuck over it. You don’t screw with a mating bond. Every werewolf knows that. You’ve got twenty-four hours to get out of our territory.”

With a pout and a flip of her hair, Mina stormed toward him. “You’re going wish you had some of this.”

“No. I won’t,” he said firmly. Growling, she flew at him, her claws extended. Before she could make contact, Halle caught her easily around the middle. She contained Mina quickly, grabbing the crazed werewolf’s arms and pulling them behind her.

“Dade is too much of a gentleman to ever hurt a woman. Know this: I will not hesitate to beat your ass if you ever come at my mate like that again.” Halle released her breath in a huff. “Now, I’m going to do you the kindness of escorting you to the door since you seem to be having difficulty finding it.”

Dade followed them just in case Mina tried to make a break for it. Mina, for once, displaying that she did possess some common sense, didn’t resist. Once on the porch, she flounced down the steps. “Mina,” he called. She whipped around. “Don’t come back. You know what could happen if you do.”

They watched her get in her car and drive off in silence. Dade relaxed and drew Halle to his side. “I’m glad to see you, but why did you come home?”

“After my conversation with Lamar, I knew you would need me because you could never bring yourself to hit a woman.” She grinned. “Plus, I thought you might want to check for yourself to make sure I was okay.”

He ran his hands down her spine before cupping her ass. She was damn right. “Yeah. I do. But does this mean you have to go back to get your stuff?”

She shook her head. “Nope. I’d already packed. After I finished talking to the police, I sped out of there. I’d hoped to make it here before you.”

He laughed. “My hero,” he murmured, his masculinity secure enough that he didn’t always have to be the savior.

“I will always come to your rescue,” she said sincerely. “I love you.”

He nodded in understanding. He felt the same way. He’d do anything for her. “I love you, too.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.