Gods of Arena

A new day

The day was not as horrible as he had expected it to be.... Actually, it was just as horrible. One part of him thought Jin wouldn't return to the hall for a reason or more. Another part of him was expecting- actually, desperately wishing for- Jin to return. He had sat alone for Lunch and he made no eye contact with anyone. He was expecting Jae or Dan to stand up to him, like they always seemed to want to do. For one reason or another, they just kept their peace and Kang was able to force the food down his throat without having anyone disturb him. There was no announcement yet and Ana hadn't come with the soldiers to pick anyone. Everyone seemed to be taking a break.

Kang was done eating. He sprung up from his seat and, immediately, a soldier stepped in through the passage. Ana walked in after the soldier, followed by another soldier. She walked in, confidently, and looked around. She had come to pick someone for her masters again. She glanced at Kang for a second and, this time, she had a blank smile rather than the grudging glare she always threw at him... But he wasn't looking her way so he couldn't tell if she was avoiding his face or glaring like always.

She walked to Romeo's table. "What's your name, boy?", she asked and patted Frank on the shoulder.

"Uh", Frank stuttered, hesitating to answer. He could see the anxiety in the faces of everyone in there so he could tell that the lady beside him was dangerous. But she seemed as young as he was, anyway. "Frank. My name is Frank" "It's a nice name. Stand up", she said and turned. "You are coming with us"

Frank looked around, confusedly. Romeo just held onto his fork, tightly, glaring at the plate before him. Frank stood up, slowly, and walked after her nervously.

"Hold on", Kang said and stood up. He looked at her. She wasn't glaring at him. Rather, she looked surprised.

"You have something to say, Kang?", She asked.

"The boy is new. I think you should pick another person", Kang said, nervously, looking straight into her eyes. There was no response for a second. "Please" "Will you like to take his place then?", she asked, smiling stylishly.

"Will you really take me with you if I volunteered to go?", Kang said and opened his arms, as if trying to sell himself, while moving his head up and down.

She chuckled for a second and changed her expression quickly. "Okay. You can return to your seat", she said and picked another boy; a mid-tier. "Go with the soldiers"

Kang watched the fighter go with the soldiers. It wasn't fair for anyone to be used in that way but there was nothing he could do to stop that. He had played an hero to Frank but, to the other mid-tier, he would be the reason for whatever happened next. Ana walked up to him. "Thank you", he muttered.

She smiled and shook her head. "That was pretty confident of you. What made you think I would even listen?"

"You got angry once and all you did was put me in a fight that gave me recognition"

"So you want me to put you in the arena again so they can see you in action and call you the 'Blank' again?"

"Well, no. Not exactly. You are just not glaring at me today. It probably means you are in a good mood.... Or you are no longer angry with me"

"Talking of recognition, you already got yourself an high amount from just one fight. My uncle seems to like the 'Blank'. He'll probably want to see you fight on the field again"

"Please, don't make me fight on the Arena", Kang said. "Please"

"I won't make you", she said and smiled.

"Thank you"

She leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear. "Also, stop hiding from the spins"

He closed his eyes, as she walked away from him. A hand gripped his cloth and shook him, violently. "What were you saying to that girl? What do you got with her?" "Leave my clothes, Dan. If you got problems about it, you can go to her and ask your questions"

He spent the rest of the day on the bed. He slumbered while watching the door and expecting Jin to walk in at anytime. He even took extremely short naps. "Hey, Kang", a voice said, as the door opened.

Kang raised his back, quickly, and looked at the door. "Frank, really?", he said, disappointedly, putting his hand over his face. "What do you want?"

"Sorry. I didn't know you were sleeping", Frank said. "Romeo is being too reserved so I was thinking I could hang out with you. I'll just go and come back later"

"Yea, thank you", Kang said and laid back.... But sulking and hoping all day wouldn't help anyway. He needed to get it off his mind till Jin would get back to the house. He sprung up from the bed and pulled the door open. "Frank?... Sorry, uh. Let's hang out here"

"Ok", Frank said and walked back to the room. He looked around and sat on Jin's bed. "Jin isn't back yet? I saw you sitting alone at Lunch"

"Yea. You sit with your roommate at Lunch"

"And I'm stuck with a boring roommate", Frank said and pulled a small bag beside the nightstand. "These are Jin's stuffs, right?"

"Yea. We shouldn't be going through his stuff", Kang said and Frank pushed it back.

"So tell me. What is your Shin Zhu? I need someone strong enough to teach me to develop my Shin Zhu"

"If you need someone strong enough, then your roommate should be the perfect candidate", Kang said. "He defeated a mid-tier and became a mid-tier in just one fight: his first fight" "Really? Wow!... He also said they call you the 'Blank' for a reason"

"That is because I defeated the Night Hound without using a Shin Zhu"

"What is your Shin Zhu?"

"I have no idea. I haven't figured it out yet", Kang replied.

Frank stared at him, blankly, for a few seconds. "I knew my Shin Zhu, immediately I knew I was alive"

"They say that's how it works for every normal fighter in here", Kang said. "Turns out I'm the only different one among us"

"So how did you win the fight then?", Frank asked.

"Jin gave me some pills and told me to use one. It helped me in the fight. Romeo, Finn and Jin also helped me stun the animals at the end of the fight" "Who's Finn?"

"Finn used to be Romeo's roommate. He came before you", Kang replied. "Jae killed him in a fight on the Arena"

"Jae is that guy with the frowny face, right? The one with the stone arms"

"Yes, that's him. You should be careful so you don't get in trouble with him"

"I know how to keep to myself. Don't worry about me", Frank said.

"I'll be going to the gym for some workout, very often. Will you like to come with me?", Kang asked. "Jin said it will help me grow my Shin Zhu" "Sure. I would love to work out too"


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