Forgotten Wife: Let the Traitors Kneel Down

Chapter 46

46 A meeting at the bookstore Cassian hated leaving the palace and even more visiting the city, however, that day he had promised April that he would get her new books, he could send one of the servants if he wanted, however he decided to go himself, when he asked that his carriage be prepared to go to the city the butler and servants were very surprised, since the prince almost never left the palace since he had suffered the injury to his leg.

Cassian asked the coachman to take him to a bookstore.

Upon reaching the city, the coachman dropped him off as close as he could, but there was a certain stretch that he had to walk.

When he walked, Cassian limped slightly, as there were people who stayed behind him.

Seeing, he didn't like that.

In the past he loved to walk around the city, he often escaped from the palace just to be able to visit the restaurants and stroll through the crowded streets.

Upon arriving at the bookstore, Cassian asked the guards to wait for him outside.

They flatly refused, but he continued to insist.

He didn't want them to see that he was going to buy romance novels, even if they weren't for him.

He didn't want them to misunderstand him.

After insisting so much, Cassian managed to enter the bookstore alone.

There was an old man at the counter.

He asked him.

_ How can I help you? _I'm not really sure, I'll take a look.

_Of course, feel free to look at the books.

_Thank you.

Cassian walked through the shelves until he reached the section where the romance novels were, while he read the titles of the books and chose the ones he thought the princess would like the most, he hoped that no one would see it.

He was so focused on choosing books that he didn't notice when a young woman approached him until she spoke to him.

_That book you have is very good, although there are two more before that one, if you haven't read it you may not understand this one much.

Cassian was surprised, he was embarrassed to be seen buying romance novels, that young woman saw how his face turned red, she told him.

_I'm sorry, have I made you feel uncomfortable? _I'm choosing books for a friend, but I don't really know which ones to choose.

_ If you want, I can help you? I've read all the books here.

That young woman was very kind, Cassian accepted her help since he felt a little lost.

_I would really appreciate it if you would do that.

_ My name is Laila, what is your name? The young woman with blonde hair, which she wore tied in a bun and light brown eyes, asked.

She was thin and from her clothes she did not seem to be a noble.

"My name is Cassian." She smiled at him and said.

_You have the same name as the prince.

Cassian didn't want her to know that he was the prince, that day he was incognito, his clothes were simple and no one would say that it was the same person.

_It is a common name.

_Not really, it's the first time I've heard someone say they have the same name as the prince.

Laila pulled several books off the shelf and put the subject of her name aside.

_These books are very good, I'm sure your friend will love them.

Cassian realized that one of the books was not a romance but an adventure, he told her.

"I don't think she'll like this one," he said, pointing at it.

_I assure you that he will love it, although it is an adventure, the characters live a great love and describe wonderful places.

_Then I'll take it.

_ Do you want me to pack them? _ Do you work here? _Yes, my grandfather is the owner of the store, did he pack them all? _Yes please.

While Laila was packing the books Cassian stopped in front of a shelf where there was a book that caught his attention, Laila noticed the book he was looking at and said to him.

_That's a good book, I recommend it to you.

_ Have you read it too? "I've read all the books here," Laila replied, proud of herself.

_So I can recommend books to customers who visit the store.

Cassian took the book and gave it to Laila.

_Then I'll take this one too.

_When I read this book I couldn't put it down until I finished it, I hope you like it.

_If I like it I will come back again to buy another book.

_Then you will surely come back, I am not usually wrong when I recommend a book.

After Laila finished packing the books Cassian paid for them, he wanted to give Laila a good tip for helping him, however, she shook her head.

_I can't accept it, helping you is my job, and I enjoyed talking to you, so if you liked my treatment, come back to the store.noveldrama

_Thank you so much.

Cassian took the books and before leaving the store Laila told him.

_Next time you come back, invite me for a ride.

Cassian realized at that moment that Laila was flirting with him, his cheeks turned red and he quickly left the store, he was not very familiar with that, normally it was always his brother who attracted the attention of women, he went unnoticed.

When the guards saw that his face was red, they asked him.

_ Are you okay, prince? _I'm fine, let's go.

When Cassian returned to the palace he went to April's room, before entering she heard Alessandro's voice, he did not dare to enter, he turned around and gave the books to one of the maids to deliver them to her.

Cassian returned to his room, lay down on the bed, he lay still in his bed doing nothing for a few hours.

Then he remembered the book he had bought on Laila's recommendation, she had been very excited while recommending the book to him, he started reading out of curiosity, but it turned out to be just as Laila had told him, the book was so interesting that he couldn't stop reading it, he stayed up all night reading, the next day he woke up late and after breakfast he continued reading his book.

book, that day he remained absorbed in reading, so much so that for a moment he forgot all his problems.

The next day he continued reading his book, he did not stop reading until the pain in his leg became unbearable and he had to go see April.

When he reached the door to April's room, he knocked on the door with his knuckles and one of the maids opened the door, April was putting on a hat, Cassian asked.

_ Are you going somewhere? _I'll go with your majesty for a walk around the lake, I didn't know there was a lake, is it pretty? _Yes, it is very nice.

_ Do you want to join us? I think that I Cassian saw that April had one of the books he had sent her on the nightstand, he asked.

_ Did you like the books? _Yes, they seem very interesting and the one I started reading is wonderful, I couldn't stop reading it, yesterday his majesty had to take it from my hands so I could put it down, thank you very much.

Cassian remembered Laila's words, it seemed that she really wasn't wrong, her recommendations were very accurate.

Alessandro entered the room, he greeted his brother, approached Abril, put his arm around her waist and asked her.

_ Are you ready? _Yes, I'm looking forward to our walk, I've never seen a lake.

Alessandro smiled at him tenderly, that was something strange for Cassian, at that moment he realized that his brother had changed a lot, he seemed to have softened, Cassian was so absorbed in his thoughts that he did not realize that his brother was talking to him.

_Cassian, are you listening to me? _Sorry, I got a little distracted.

_I'm asking you, do you want to join us for a walk around the lake? _Thank you very much, but no, I'm reading a book and I'd like to finish it, so you go and have fun.

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