Forgotten Wife: Let the Traitors Kneel Down

Chapter 170


Maya seeing that Cassian and Dantriel seemed to be about to attack Fay intervened saying.

– Our intention is not to fight, we just want your help.

– Well that is not what this man has implied. Cassian replied while throwing a murderous look at Fay.

Maya elbowed Fay in the ribs, he moaned from the pain.

– Ouch! That hurts.

Apologize Fay.

– Why should I apologize?

– For being so arrogant even when we are the ones who need help.

Fay turned his face away, the fairies were very arrogant and proud, although it was true that they were the ones who needed help, he did not expect to retract his words, he knew that they were not going to let go of their bearer of light so easily and that if it was not under threats they would not achieve anything.

- I do not plan to do it.

- Fay.

- Maya even if you know them, remember who you serve.

Maya couldn’t forget it even if she wanted to, she sighed heavily and apologized on Fay’s behalf.

"I’m sorry, he’s not very polite. No fairy is."

Dantriel replied. Maya tried to do something to calm things down, otherwise she would end up returning with Fay’s lifeless body.

"I’m truly sorry for the hostility Fay has shown, but we need help and April is the only one who can give it to us. "

Maya bowed her head in humility and said.

"Please lend us your help." Cassian spoke first. "

That decision is not in our hands, it should be April who decides what to do."

Fay opened her mouth again.

"You really have no choice, you must help us even if you don’t want to."

Maya wanted to punch Fay in the face to shut him up once and for all, he was only making things worse. Cassian ignored her comment and said to Maya who still had her head down.

_ It will be better if we talk about this tomorrow morning, when Abril and Alessandro are present.

Cassian deepens his hand towards Maya.

– Let’s rest, today we can’t do anything else, Abril wasn’t feeling very well, so I couldn’t talk to her even if they demand it. Maya looked at Fay, he answered.

– I guess there’s no other option, do what you want, I’ll go sleep over there.

Maya took Cassian’s hand, both left Dantriel’s tent and headed to Cassian’s tent, upon entering Maya felt the need to apologize again.

_I’m sorry.

You have nothing to apologize for.

Still, I… Cassian took Maya’s face in his hands and said.

– None of this is your fault Maya, so don’t blame yourself, you must be tired, let’s go rest.


They both lay down on the small bed in the tent. I thought being a prince means you have a bigger bed.

The one in the big bed is my brother, you are a prince without rights, remember?

– It’s true, I had forgotten, you are a duke now.

– Yes, although the truth is that I like it to be small, so we can be closer together.

Cassian pressed his hard, firm body against her back, he felt his warmth and his soft breathing made her wish that this moment would never end, but they also made her feel guilty. Maya felt like she was betraying everyone by talking about April, but she hadn’t been able to help but talk about her, the queen made her come every day to have tea with her and made her talk about her life, at one point she asked her how she had met the human prince, she told her the story of how she had met Cassian and tried not to talk about April omitting some things, but the queen was someone very perceptive and realized that she was not telling her everything, the queen forced her to tell the whole story, without omitting anything, the magic that tied her to her forced her to say everything even when she didn’t want to. When Maya had mentioned April and what she could do, the queen showed great interest. When they were attacked and the queen saw that they couldn’t win, she had sent Fay to find April, when Maya had found out she did whatever was necessary to be allowed to accompany Fay, at first the queen had been reluctant but when she had engaged with Fay she agreed to let her go, but not before ordering her to return, Maya felt her words like chains, she knew that even if she wanted to she wouldn’t be able to stay.

She turned around to face Cassian, she stayed a moment contemplating his face and then said.

Although I wished it with all my heart I don’t think we would be like this again.

Cassian stroked her hair gently as if he were touching a delicate object and was afraid of breaking it.

I don’t plan on letting you go a second time, I would go crazy if I did.

– Let’s not talk about it now, we said goodbye abruptly, I want to enjoy this moment.

– Are you going to leave?

Maya wanted to say no, that she would stay with him, but as always the truth came out of her mouth unintentionally. Yes, I must return to the land of the fairies, it is an order from the queen and her orders are like shackles that drag me back, even though I hate it I must do what she wants.noveldrama

_ There must be a way for her to let you go, I will give her whatever she asks me, I will do whatever it takes for her to give you back your freedom.

-I don’t think she will let me go.

– The fairy queen likes exchanges a lot, I’m sure I’ll find something to get her attention.

– I guess we can try.

Maya answered as she snuggled into his arms, she didn’t know if she could ever regain her freedom, but she wanted to believe that she would, that she would be free again to be with her beloved.

That night Maya slept happily in Cassian’s arms, the next day when she woke up the first thing she saw was Cassian’s sleeping face, she was happy to be like this with him, happy like she hadn’t been in a long time.

Cassian woke up, hugged her tightly, breathed in the scent of her neck and said.

Good morning. Good morning.

Fay entered the tent without knocking, seeing them still in bed she said.

-Do you plan to stay the day in that bed?

They both got up, and said in one voice.

-Don’t you know how to knock?

-Don’t you know how to get up early?

Apparently fairies have no education. Cassian said as he gave her a murderous look.

– You are very annoying Fay.

-Don’t waste your time, remember why we came, stop playing with your human lover.

Ethan entered the store without knocking, just like Fay had done. He looked furious, although it was not clear who he was knocking on. Yes, Cassiano and Fay saw them both the same way, as if he wanted to kill them.

Cassiano growled.

Seriously! Nobody knows how to knock before entering!

– Sophia isn’t going anywhere.


– April, she’s not going anywhere. Ethan shouted as he corrected himself.

Alessandro and April entered with Dantriel, the same way Fay and Ethan had entered. Cassian felt invaded, it seemed that nobody knew how to knock before entering.

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