Chapter 203
Chapter 203
Chapter 203 Katya POV
One week later,
There is nothing worse than everyone thinking you are the solution to their dilemma. Sure, I could have
saved him, but how do you choose whose life is worth more? How do you choose who to kill and who
to save? Essentially playing god, and how do I live with choosing, what will the ramifications of that
decision be, how do you choose whose life is more valuable when all life is precious. 2
Marabella learnt the hard way. She choset o save her pack, but by doing so damned, the man she
loved, cursed herself and paid the price. A never-ending cycle of pain. Now I am the one to choose
who could live or die. The risks of altering a future that I have no control over could be my downfall and
the ruin of those I hold dear.
Choosing to do nothing and watch Kyan’s heartbreak was the hardest decision of my life. I already
regretted it, but Dominic’s men had already killed the rogues and I
men had already ked the rogues and I couldn’t take the life of someone undeserving. Skeletons Seline
said, make sure you choose which to live with and I understood that with a clarity that was terrifying. noveldrama
Every decision I make from now on will haunt me, it will break small pieces off and I don’t know how
Seline bore the weight of those decisions, how she chose between her children, her children she
entrusted me with and this job was impossible. I am not ready for this; I am not ready to take her place
and the expectation that came with it.
Was it too much to be normal, free of consequence, and free to live without choosing? I felt tired, and
this was just the beginning. I was already emotionally exhausted, and I felt dead inside. So many lives
have been lost, and I just watched because sometimes choosing to do nothing was a better option.
This was all set in motion a long time ago and I was beginning to realize how right Seline was. We
choose mates, not their destiny. Sometimes fate could be cruel, and I had t. o learn to take the punches
and avoid causing more unnecessary destruction.
One derician can have a domino effect
One decision can have a domino effect. One wrong move and the entire thing will fall around you. Get
it right and we may just survive it, but with death comes life and once that life is over, death comes for
us again. A never-ending cycle. Each time washed of our sins and sent back until we get it right or
choose not to. I realized Seline chose not to. She chose to break the cycle of living with the things that
haunted her. I wondered if I would make the same decision one day. Could I force this onto someone
else? I am grateful for Seline bringing me back, but now I pay the consequences of my sacrifice. My
kids forced to pay the sacrifice when they died with me.
“Kat?” Ezra whispers, his hands dropping on my shoulders and I hadn’t realized I had been staring at
my father’s body in the coffin. Completely zoned out and thinking of what if I found another way? Would
he still be here? His death was one skeleton I didn’t want to live with. It was his choice, his life to
sacrifice, but it doesn’t change the fact it was the man who raised me. The man that taught me to ride a
bike, the man who tossed his pack away and his title for me. He was my
ride a bike, the mai ho tossed his pack away and his title for me. He was my father, my safe place and
the hero of my stories growing up, and I killed him.
“Kat?” Ezra repeats and I look at him, finally able to pull my eyes away from the man that raised me. I
kept waiting for him to wake up and call me that god awful nickname, but now I would take the teasing.
Anything to hear him say it again. Instead, I had been listening to his voicemail on repeat just so I could
hear his voice and pretend he was still here and was just too busy to pick up. 2
Andrei walks up behind Ezra and pats his shoulder before nodding at him. Ezra looks at him before
walking off only for Andrei to take his place. He was wearing a suit which was odd; I was used to
seeing him dressed casually, yet he looked handsome. I could actually see the similarities he shared
with our father.
“I don’t know what to say,” Andrei admits and I nod before feeling his hand wrap around mine, engulfing
it. He rubs circles in the back of my hand with his thumb.
“We don’t need to say anything, dad
“We don’t need to se anything, dad knows. He knows already,” I tell him.
“I never would have put you in that position. I understand the consequences o f you having to do that
for me, but I can’t thank you enough. I can’t make this up to you or dad”
“Yes, you can. You can live for him. He died to make sure you kept on living. He knew Sage was the
only way that would have happened. You needed her more than him”
“But what about you?”
“You’re my brother. His death I will learnt o deal with. I couldn’t live with yours in m y hands and neither
could dad. I didn’t have to do what he asked. I could have saved him, but I would have been
condemning you and your family. One life for three, it was the right thing to do, and i tis what he
“I’m sorry Kat. I know that would have been the toughest decision to make
“It helps to know it was the right one. I have no regret over choosing Sage. I have regret of being the
one to do it, but not of
regret of being the to do it, but not of Sage. This was his way of giving you back everything he took
from you, his way of showing you, you meant more than his own life and that he would give up
everything to make sure you have the life you deserve, with your mate and your son. He gave it up for
them and for you. If our roles were reversed and it was for one of m y children, I would lay my life down
in a heartbeat, I would give my last breath to make sure they got to take another,” I tell him.
Andrei tugs me closer to him, draping his arm across my shoulders before pressing his cheek to the top
of my head before kissing my hair.
“I love you,” He whispers and I wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him back.
“I love you too,” I tell him before following him out of the church. Sage was waiting for us outside, her
eyes bloodshot from crying. The guilt on her face was undeniable.
She hesitates as she approaches me like she thought I would turn away from her, cast her away for his
death. She looks at Andrei as if she was worried she shouldn’t
cast her away for h leath. She looks at Andrei as if she was worried she shouldn’t approach so; I move
to her instead and open my arms to her. Her hug was tight as she hugged me like she couldn’t bear to
let go
“I’m sorry, Kat,” she whispers, and I let out a shaky breath. Her hug is warm and seeing her heartbreak
makes my heart swell. I made the right decision and so did dad. He saved his son, but also killed me i
n the process. That was the beauty of sacrifice. Someone is always left pained n o matter what. I may
not have my father but he was right, saving their family was worth the sacrifice knowing my brother
would be happy, Jonah would have both parents and Sage gets to live after a life full of heartache, and
finally the cycle of Donnie’s and Sierra’s torment had come full circle. He saved more than Sage, he
ensured Jonah and Andrei had a future. He would finally know peace, knowing that h e proved his love
for his son outweighed his own life.
“Family, we are nothing without them and I am glad to have you as part of mine,” I tell her and she
sniffles and nods against my shoulder. 1
Survivor’s guilt. But I know her life was worth saving. She deserved a happy ending after everything
she endured; she deserved peace and happiness and Andrei and Jonah deserved the love she would
give them
“Come on, we should get home. Everyone i s waiting,” I tell her, knowing that both packs were at home
to celebrate the life of my father. His funeral differed from my mothers, he earned his place in both
packs and earned the respect of everyone and his place amongst both packs. He redeemed himself for
his past failures. My father thought he failed me by leaving, but I knew he would come back and he did.
He just needed time.
He never failed me, neither did mum because I know everything they did was never to hurt me, not
intentionally anyway.
Now to do this all over again tomorrow, but for Dominic. The man that gave his life for my daughter’s.
The man who I realized I had painted wrong from the beginning. All a misunderstanding based o n fear
of each other and fear for the packs we both served.
The next day,
The funeral home is crowded, bodies pressed against each other, and there are members from every
pack. Hundreds of people turned up for Dominic’s funeral. S o many people gathered outside the
building all the way to the lush lawns surrounding the place. There were even humans, which showed
how much respect this man had.
I stood at the back with Ezra and Mateo. Marge said she would watch the kids while we attended and I
didn’t think it a good idea to bring Marabella while it was still so raw for Kyan. Andrei, Sage and Jonah
stood at the back with us and Lucas, spotting us, waved us forward. I shake my head, not feeling like I
belonged at the front. When we didn’t move, Lucas pushed through the crowd toward us.
“My Queen, you belong up there with Kyan”
“I don’t think he will want me up there, I tell him.
“Dominic gave his life for your daughter,
“Dominic gave his for your daughter, that means you are worthy enough in his eyes” Lucas tells me and
I felt torn when Lucas leant closer to whisper to me not that he had to, the crowd of those talking would
drown out all noise as we waited for the funeral to start..
“Your daughter is Kyan’s mate, you are family whether or not Kyan knows it,” Lucas whispers and I pull
away to look at him, shocked
“How?” I ask him, wondering how he could possibly know that.
“Dominic told me he wouldn’t give his life for just anyone. His life was reserved for his son, so he gave
it to save his son from himself”
“Dominic knew?”
“Dominic was a remarkable man, but he was a father first and his son was his world. Despite being
strict, there is no one in this world he loved more than Kyan. Dominic saw you coming before even you
knew what you are. He saw the baby that would match his son one day, he saw the darkness that
taints her, he saw who she would one day become to him”
“And what’s that?” I ask him, wondering i f Dominic saw a brighter future than what I was shown.
“His redemption” Lucas whispers, leaning in closer. When he pulls away, he stares at me and I nod
once. I don’t know what he needed redemption for, but I knew it involved my daughter, something I
knew I would never be comfortable with
“Jonah, Kyan was asking for you earlier. Maybe you could cheer him up a bit,” Lucas says, looking at
Andrei. Andrei nods to Jonah, who was waiting for permission.
“I saved you all seat’s,” He says, looking from my mates to Andrei and Sage. I let out a breath before
following him to an empty pew. Kyan was nowhere to be seen, but when Jonah went to follow his
parents, Lucas patted the spot next to him in the front row.
“You sit here, son, with Kyan,” Lucas says, and he looks at Sage, who motions h e could before sitting
down next to Lucas. Jonah looked so small sitting beside the man. When the music started, the chatter
quieted down and the aisle between the pews cleared. I couldn’t see Kyan until he
passed me.
Kyan’s face was set in stone and void of all emotion. He was present; the shadows surrounding him,
tainting him, were black as coal. The darkness encased him, numbing him as he walked behind his
father’s coffin, a silver urn clutched in his hands.
I watched as they placed the coffin at the centre of the room. The men walked backt o their seats as
one of the funeral directors set up the coffin for open viewing before nodding to Kyan, who waited off to
the side; he was staring at the wall off to the side of the room before the funeral director motioned
toward the coffin.
Kyan walked up to it and I knew the second he laid eyes on his father because the shadows erupted
out of him, filling the stage and spreading to the roof like dark smoky tentacles that only I could see.
Kyan places the urn in the coffin before turning around, his eyes vacant and not a tear in sight, like he
had none left to give. He was an empty shell and despite being the picture of indifference. I could tell by
the shadows that his father’s death Jastrauad him more than he man willing
the shadows that hither’s death destroyed him more than he was willing t o show anyone.
He sits next to his uncle, who then gets up and gives a eulogy. Kyan sat with his shoulders slumped,
head down as I watched the shadows move back toward him, blanketing him and caressing him when
he suddenly jumps. The shadows fizzling and I stare at him, wondering what caused it when I noticed
Jonah’s hand had reached out, grabbed Kyan’s.
Kyan stares at him like he only just noticed Jonah was sitting beside him. The shadows recede a little
when Jonah places his little head on Kyan’s shoulder and I could almost feel his shock at Jonah trying
to comfort him before he relaxed, resting the side of his face on Jonah’s head.
“What did you put in with your dad?” I hear Jonah ask him.
“What’s left of my mother” Kyan tells him. They don’t speak after that, just watch the people give tribute
to Dominic.
When it’s over and everyone was leaving, Jonah stood up with Kyan and Lucas was
Jonah stood up wit yan and Lucas was talking to Ezra and Mateo along with Andrei, yet I was watching
the two boys when Kyan let go of Jonah’s hand, walking toward his father’s coffin.
Jonah followed him. The room was empty besides my family and Lucas. Kyan leans i n the coffin and I
wander closer to check o n them when I see Kyan whisper to his father.
“She will never be mine, because I won’t allow her to be, not when she took you from me,” Kyan
whispers softly, barely audible. He stands up before removing a necklace from his pocket and placing it
in his father’s hand.
“What’s that?” Jonah asks him.
“It keeps the darkness away,” Kyan answers him and I realize it was some protection necklace.
“But I thought you didn’t like the darkness,” Jonah asks him, staring at him worriedly.
“I never used to, but it helps me not feel”. Kyan tells him.
“You don’t want to feel anything?” Jonah asks.
“Not anymore,” Kyan says before turning around to see me watching him. He stops before walking over
to his uncle. He tugs his arm.
“We leave now,” He says and Lucas looks down at his nephew.
“In a minute,” Lucas tells him.
“No, we leave now,” Kyan tells him, before walking off and heading outside.
“Sorry, he is struggling more than he lets on, he doesn’t have any friends and Jonah is the only child I
have seen him play with, maybe I could bring him over sometime to see Jonah”
“Of course, Kyan is always welcome.” Sage tells him, and Lucas nods before bowing to me and
chasing after his nephew. 1
“You ok?” Sage asks brushing Jonah’s cheek with her hand.
“Yeah, but I don’t think Kyan is mamma”
“He will be, he just needs time” she tells him and he nods, staring at the door where Kyan left through.
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