Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Drake’s Story Chapter 6

“Sit.” I looked up at him and he motioned to the bed. Then he shut the door and locked it. Cleo and Rafe were standing directly outside the door. After the door was locked he turned and looked at me. His expression was sort of grave.

He loosened his tie, then took it and his suit jacket off. I stared straight ahead and waited.

Drake’s POV

There was an awkward tension in the room and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. This whole f*****g situation was turning my stomach. I was trying to keep it together, not tip them off, not tip her off, in case a) she did something to tip them off due to being suspicious or b) the room was bugged. I just wanted the f**k outta here. It was still early, too early to crash for the night.

“Felicia, wanna take a walk?” I asked and rolled my sleeves up to the elbows and undid the top two buttons of my shirt. I needed air and away from here for a bit.

And for some reason I didn’t trust leaving her here when those two could come back in. I didn’t want them to even breathe on her. Sick f*****g scumbags.

She got to her feet, “That sounds wonderful…”

That hung like she was going to add a Sir or a Master. As we left the room I c****d my elbow and she took my arm.

I hadn’t seen much of the resort so far since I’d acted anxious to be alone with my slave. We weren’t far down the hall, which looked like your garden variety hallway in any high-end resort, when I spotted a tall and thin redheaded man in his 40’s walking with a woman on a leash.

She was an exotic-looking young Somalian woman, crawling behind him on her hands and knees, topless, wearing just a black thong. Felicia was oblivious. I tried to hold my expression stoic.

I suspected these halls had cameras, too. I didn’t know whether my suite did or not but was acting on the suspicion that it did. I had asked earlier and was told that many suites were outfitted with surveillance equipment only to keep an eye on things but that VIPs and company stakeholders were not included. Because they didn’t know me yet I wouldn’t trust that was true. I wasn’t letting my guard down.

We passed another couple but they were walking hand in hand, dressed to the nines. The woman had a silver choker necklace on her throat with two bands crusted with rubies.

We stepped outside and it was a gorgeous night. The sun was setting, we were on a sandy beach and anyone whose mind was clear enough to notice would’ve thought it was a breathtaking sight. But me? I wanted the f**k outta here.

She struggled a little through the sand with her high heels so we switched to a boardwalk that extended in one direction what looked like pretty far.

“Where did you grow up?” I asked her, “Alaska?”

Her eyes widened.

“How’d you get here?” I asked right after that, not giving her a chance to answer my first question.

She went pale.

“Forget it. We can discuss that later,” I quickened my pace. I fought the urge to tell her the truth so I could put her mind at ease.

She kept pace with me.

I was fuming at the whole situation and I couldn’t seem to rein it in. We walked for a bit and then we were at the boundary of the property way too soon. I lit a smoke and inhaled deeply, leaning against the fence, looking at her.

She stood uncomfortably in front of me, looking down. I gazed out at the water, taking my time to finish it, and then when I put the cigarette out I grabbed her hand and we walked back to the resort. By the time we were back, the sun had disappeared completely.

Felicia’s POV

By the time we got back to the

building after our walk my heart was thumping wildly against my chest because as time wore on Drake seemed more and more angry.

I didn’t know what I’d done wrong and I was not looking forward to being alone with him. He’d asked me personal questions, which was odd, but he never gave me a chance to answer them. I’d been relieved though, because I didn’t want to answer them. No other patrons had asked those sorts of questions. They almost never asked any questions. That would mean us slaves were people with thoughts and feelings. As if.

When we got back inside the suite he said, “I need to make a few calls so I’m gonna step back outside. Maybe you can take a bubble bath or something, watch TV. I’ll be back soon.”

“Yes, Sir.” Oops.

He rolled his eyes at me and then he was gone.

** ** **

It had been a very long time since I’d had a luxurious bubble bath alone. I’d had duties to perform in pools and baths plenty of times but a long bath on my own? It had been too long since I’d had that kind of luxury. It was decadent.

There was a knock on the door. Oh no. I hit the switch to turn the jets off.


“You okay?” It was Drake’s voice.

“Yes, Master!” I called out.

“I’ve been back ages and you were still in there so I wanted to make sure you didn’t fall asleep in the tub or something.”

“I’m coming now. Sorry, Sir. Uh, Drake,” I called out and quickly pulled the plug.

Darn. There was nothing in here for me to dress with. I didn’t know what to do. Normally there were provisions for an evening with a patron or if I was expected to be without clothes for the duration of the assignment I’d be informed of that.

This, however, wasn’t an ordinary evening with a patron. This wasn’t an assignment. This was my new Master, a man who I’d been told would become my husband.

I dried quickly and wrapped myself in a towel. I stepped hesitantly into the room and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, elbows propped on his knees. My scalp prickled.

“I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting, Master. But … I haven’t brought anything to wear, would you like me clothed or unclothed?”

He got to his feet and rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes, looking frustrated. He reached into the closet where his suitcase sat on a stand and pulled out a white cotton t-shirt.

“Will this do?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“What else you need?”

“Hairbrush?” I asked.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a shaving bag.

“Use whatever you need,” he said impatiently, not looking at me.

“Thank you. You can, if you prefer me dressed, request that my things are sent here.”

He nodded, “Tomorrow. I don’t wanna deal with anyone else tonight.”

I gave him a nod, even though he still wasn’t looking at me, and reentered the bathroom. I brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush that was stocked in all the rooms with the other toiletries. Then I swished mouthwash and towel dried my hair some more and then brushed it with Drake’s hairbrush. As I did I thought about the fact that he and I would share things like this going forward as husband and wife.

I got into his t-shirt and it covered just below my bottom. The shirt smelled like fabric softener, like Downy April Fresh, the one I’d used back home. It was a scent I hadn’t had in my nostrils since arriving. I closed my eyes as I inhaled it but then the scent soured in my body, reminding me of all I’d lost. I pushed the thoughts away and walked slowly out to the room and he was coming in from the small balcony, putting his cigarette case and lighter down on the bedside table.

“Grabbin’ a shower,” he told me as he passed me.

“Sir?” I asked.

He gritted his teeth, “Enough with the Sir. F**k.”

“I apologize.”

“Stop apologizing.”

I clamped my mouth shut, unsure of how to reply.

“What did you need?” he asked, impatiently.

“Nothing, Master.”

He rolled his eyes and disappeared into the bathroom. I had been about to ask where he wanted me to wait for him, on the floor, in the bed, etc. But at his reaction to the Sir and the apology I decided to just wait and see.

I sat on the edge of the bed where I’d waited for him when he first arrived and stayed there until he came back out. I wish I knew what he wanted. A few simple orders and I’d easily be able to fit the role. But with no direction and all that was at stake I was afraid I’d muck it all up. I waited, trying to get my head together.

He wore a suit well. But wow, he also wore a bath towel well. That’s all he was in, a short towel around his waist and he was muscled: arms, legs, chiseled abs, the sexiest shoulders I think I’d ever seen. He was tanned and he was delicious-looking. My mouth went dry at the sight of him. It had been a long time since I’d felt any sort of arousal before the act of being with someone. I did my job well during those acts, managed to provide enough moisture to make penetration not hurt at the start, and I always got into it, to fulfill my end.

But until right now I don’t think I ever, since arriving here, felt arousal before it was time to get into it and had no other choice but to turn my body on with an order from my mind because it knew what was next and what was expected of me.

Despite the fact that I’d been with some good-looking men here at Kruna, some who’d even been kind enough under the circumstances, I had a different and new set of emotions swirling through me at the sight of my Master’s almost nude body. After all I’d endured looks typically meant nothing to me.

I’d learned that evil came in both beautiful and ugly forms. It didn’t matter. A to B. A to B. That’s all I did, not noticing looks, not feeling anything but the o*****s, on complete autopilot.

Maybe it was because I hadn’t had s*x in six and a half weeks, probably the longest stretch of abstinence since I’d lost my virginity at the age of 14. Maybe it was just because this man was the one who’d get me out of here, as long as I didn’t screw it up.

That body right there could also be my only source of pleasure for the rest of my life and looking at it right now, at least I’d probably never get tired of looking at it.

Drake’s POV

She was seated on the end of the bed in just my t-shirt, her hair wet and curling but the length sitting over one shoulder. She looked up at me with piercing blue eyes and what looked like desire. There was no way she was legitimately aroused at the sight of me, not when this poor girl was a s*x slave.

No f*****g way; I must be mis-reading the tint in her complexion, the swallow, the way she’d moistened her lips and was breathing more heavily, the way her eyes had traveled from the floor to my face and then slowly back to the floor again. Or I wasn’t misreading it but she was just trained so well at it that it was all part of an act. Uncle’s voice echoed in my brain.

“The perfect woman. Schooled in all the ways to please a man.”

f**k, uncle. Why’d you do this to me?

Not perfect. Just doing what she was brainwashed to do.

I never wanted to parade in front of her in just a towel but she’d flustered me to the point I’d forgotten to bring clothes into the bathroom. And in the bathroom seeing her f*****g white stockings, garter belt, white lace thong, and bra laying on the vanity… it put me even more off-balance.

I reached into my suitcase and grabbed a pair of black track pants with a white stripe up the legs. I went back into the bathroom and got into them, ignoring the pile of lace on the vanity. f**k, this next part was gonna suck.

Maybe I should go to their gym and tell her to crash and then hope she’d be asleep by the time I returned. But I didn’t know what I’d see out there, what scumbags I’d have to have conversations with. Maybe here was better for tonight. I’d slept like s**t on the flight so maybe I could actually sleep. Sleep would clear my brain for the meeting I had to attend in the morning with these scumbags.

When I had left before her bath I’d stopped into Rafe Ruiz’s office. He and that Asian woman were huddled in a deep discussion with a nude blonde slave who was on her knees between them. They halted their conversation and looked at me as I entered.

“I am a very possessive man,” was how I greeted them, “Now that I’ve collected her, no one f***s with what’s mine. No one talks to her or approaches her, and especially does not touch her without my permission. Understood?”

“We understand. Absolutely, Mr. Clarke,” Rafe replied.

Then he spewed a bunch of crawling-up-my a*s bullshit appeasing words. I avoided looking at the girl on the floor on her knees. If I looked at her I’d be tempted to beat the s**t out of Ruiz and that b***h standing beside him. I wasn’t someone who ever wanted to beat the s**t out of a woman but something about her vibe told me it was a case where I could make an exception.

“Goodnight,” I said and I’d left it at that and stepped outside for a quick Skype IM conversation on my cell with my brother and then I returned to the suite. I sincerely hoped our conversations would remain restricted to the cell phones.noveldrama

When I came back out of the bathroom I flicked the light off.

“Might as well get some shut-eye. I’m zonked from the flight.”

She hesitated and then said “Okay” softly.

I climbed into the bed under the covers and said, “You can crash.” I wasn’t sure at first why she was still sitting there at the end of the bed but then realized she was waiting for me to tell her what I wanted her to do. I reached for the lamp but she got up and then laid down on the floor beside my side of the bed before I could get the light flicked off.

“What’re you doing?” I looked down at her. She’d put her hands folded in prayer position under a cheek and was laying on the floor without a pillow or blanket. She was in my t-shirt and it had ridden up and I caught sight of the fact that she wasn’t wearing panties.

I pushed the unholy thoughts away, not looking, determined not to let myself feel anything but disgusted because this girl was clearly behaving the way she’d been brainwashed to behave.

She sat up quickly, “I’m so sorry. Whatever you need, Master; I wasn’t sure.” She stood up and climbed over me in the bed and while hovering over me quickly whipped the t-shirt off and laid down on her back beside me, spread eagled, totally nude.

“Whoa; what the f**k?” I was completely taken aback. I looked at the ceiling.

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