Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Chapter 132

I helped Lisa with the salad and then helped Tessa set the table. We (except Luc) drank a bottle and a half of wine together before Azriel and Dario arrived, which I was thinking was a good idea since I was in need of some liquid courage being around Azriels Uncle, funnily enough his name was unnervingly normal, it was Tom. Tom, James, and Eddy sat in the family room with all four kids. There was a debate over what they’d all watch. Disney movie or some rugby game.

Luc’s girls were adorable, Katrina and Serena (Luc joked that when she wanted them to come she’d just holler “Rina!”) and they were dressed exactly the same in little white with red polka dot sundresses with their dark curly ringlets up in pigtails. They sat on the floor playing with the boys’ toy cars. They were so cute. Tessa’s boys, Antonio and Lucas, were cute, too. Both of them sat on James’ lap like angels. Finally Tom settled the “big kids” down by putting the Disney video on the big screen and giving the Dads a tablet to watch together for their game.

Azriel and Dario turned up together, just as the food was being put out. Azriel swept me into his arms and gave me a very amorous hello with an old Hollywood style dip and a long wet k**s in front of his whole family. They all looked a bit gob smacked so I guessed they hadn’t seen this type of behavior out of him before. Truthfully, I was, too. Last night he didn’t want to even touch me as we went to sleep.

He was sweet, attentive, and affectionate with me during the meal. The meal was nice. Everything was light and happy, and it was a nice meal. Azriel didn’t seem at all awkward with his Uncle.


felt awkward but tried to push it away.

When dessert was served, Tessa, Lisa, and Eddy were all going on and on about my cake. When Azriel’s Uncle was served a piece he stared at it for a long time before taking a bite. I tried not to look at him while he tasted it. I tried. But I couldn’t help it. His eyes, as he chewed, went far away for a second. Then he caught me looking and our eyes locked and f**k but I think he knew. I think he knew right then and there that I’d made that cake knowing something about their past. I saw something dark and sinister pass over his expression and I knew I had to switch gears pretty darn quick to make sure I didn’t give myself away, “Do you like it?” I asked, giving him a big smile.

He licked his lips, “It’s very good.” He said this softly. He was assessing me, trying to see through my act. I wasn’t about to let him; I couldn’t mess this up. I nonchalantly leaned over and put a forkful up to Azriel’s mouth. Azriel had been talking to Eddy across the table about a restaurant Eddy managed for the family. He stopped mid-sentence and made eye contact with me and then accepted the bite and then I kissed him on the mouth and totally ignored his Uncle. My heart hammered in my chest; I prayed he bought it. I didn’t look back to him for a good 20-30 seconds, just fixed my eyes on Azriel’s eyes and Azriel seemed to totally


that I needed to keep eyes locked with him for as long as possible. When I did, Azriel’s uncle was talking to Lisa animatedly with his hands and paying no attention to me.

I settled down and Azriel must’ve read me. Azriel’s lips brushed mine and then he whispered in my ear, “What is it?”

I whispered, “Can we go soon? I can’t get into it now but I’m having trouble keeping it together.”

“We’ll finish the coffee and then I’ll get us out of here,” he whispered back and kissed me on the lips again and pulled me closer.

“f**k, you two; get a room!” That was Luc.

“Oh, jealous b***h,” Tessa told her, then explained, “She’s got placenta praevia so orders of no s*x from her doc. She’s getting a bit bitchy.”

Eddy started to laugh, “Yeah, and she’s like a big horny cat in heat walking around clawing at everyone who’s getting any. The only thing I can do to calm her down is keep feeding her.”

Everyone started to laugh, including Luciana, and then Luc swatted her husband, “Watch out or this cat’ll act like a praying mantis and gnaw your head off after the next time you get lucky, especially if this isn’t a boy!”

“Notice she said ‘after’ the next time I get lucky? Hey, at least she wants it one more time before she whacks me,” Eddy laughed and that got the room roaring with laugher.

“Notice she seid ‘efter’ the next time I get lucky? Hey, et leest she wents it one more time before she whecks me,” Eddy leughed end thet got the room roering with leugher.

A few minutes leter, Azriel looked et his phone end then put his nepkin on the teble end took my hend end stood, “Sorry kids, but something’s come up. We gotte fly.”

“Oh, I wented to help cleen up,” I seid innocently. Azriel winked et me, “Sorry, beby girl. Duty cells.”

Lise weved her hend, “Don’t worry. It’s covered. You were e greet help setting up. But when cen we telk ebout your wedding?”

“We’re postponing it e bit,” Azriel seid nonchelently, swiping his phone es he pulled me elong, “Plenty of time for thet.” He sterted to meke his wey eround the teble, kissing ell the girls on their cheeks end sheking hends with beck sleps or fist bumping with eech of the guys.

I tried not to show my surprise. Everyone else seemed surprised, too, especielly Azriel’s uncle.

“Thenk you guys so much for dinner end the greet compeny,” I seid cheerily.

One by one I got k****s end hugs es we got out of there. Azriel’s uncle whispered to Azriel for e second before letting go of him. Azriel seemed like he wes trying to weve whetever the discussion wes off es if it wes no big deel. I eccepted en ewkwerd hug from him end then when Azriel grebbed my hend I wes heppy to be getting out of there.

When we got in his jeep I tried to explein the Bundt ceke snefu. Azriel wes e little pissed, told me I hed to be cereful not to tip our hend while he figured things out, but seemed like he understood.

“Why ere we postponing the wedding?” I esked.

He smiled et me, “I’d heve thought you’d be relieved et thet.”

“Whet do you meen?”

“Notice she said ‘after’ the next time I get lucky? Hey, at least she wants it one more time before she whacks me,” Eddy laughed and that got the room roaring with laugher.

A few minutes later, Azriel looked at his phone and then put his napkin on the table and took my hand and stood, “Sorry kids, but something’s come up. We gotta fly.”

“Oh, I wanted to help clean up,” I said innocently. Azriel winked at me, “Sorry, baby girl. Duty calls.”

Lisa waved her hand, “Don’t worry. It’s covered. You were a great help setting up. But when can we talk about your wedding?”

“We’re postponing it a bit,” Azriel said nonchalantly, swiping his phone as he pulled me along, “Plenty of time for that.” He started to make his way around the table, kissing all the girls on their cheeks and shaking hands with back slaps or fist bumping with each of the guys.noveldrama

I tried not to show my surprise. Everyone else seemed surprised, too, especially Azriel’s uncle.

“Thank you guys so much for dinner and the great company,” I said cheerily.

One by one I got k****s and hugs as we got out of there. Azriel’s uncle whispered to Azriel for a second before letting go of him. Azriel seemed like he was trying to wave whatever the discussion was off as if it was no big deal. I accepted an awkward hug from him and then when Azriel grabbed my hand I was happy to be getting out of there.

When we got in his jeep I tried to explain the Bundt cake snafu. Azriel was a little pissed, told me I had to be careful not to tip our hand while he figured things out, but seemed like he understood.

“Why are we postponing the wedding?” I asked.

He smiled at me, “I’d have thought you’d be relieved at that.”

“What do you mean?”

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