Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Chapter 116

Then she lifted her chin toward the bed and he climbed on and laid flat on his stomach, spread eagled.

She cuffed him to all four posts with handcuffs that were already attached and then proceeded to sweep the whip up and down his body gently.

The screen went from pictures of them licking ice cream cones, feeding baby ducks at a pond, riding on a Ferris wheel smiling together, and then zoomed in to a live stream of his face and he was still looking at her lovingly.

Then she started to whip him.

I jolted at the sound of the crack of the whip and at the visual.

There was a look of pain on his face on the screen and at the sound of the crack and bite of the whip I started to tremble.

But as the soulful-sounding song played on and lamented about love and dreams and feelings and wickedness, his face read like he was enjoying it.

Her eyes continued to focus on his face and behind the hardness and Domme persona the love on her face was unmistakable.

My heart was crumbling, watching the scene and listening to those lyrics.

It was like tears were sitting right in the middle of my throat.

My hand came up to cover my mouth but then I felt Azriel ’s fingers gently wound around my wrist.

He pulled my hand down away from my face and onto his lap and gently rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand.

I knew without looking at him that his eyes were not on the stage.

They were on me.

As the song hit a series of high notes at the end the man was untied and they wrapped their arms around one another and lay in the bed and held each other and the screen zoomed in to both of their faces on the bed, both totally at peace, totally in love.

Then she lifted her chin toword the bed ond he climbed on ond loid flot on his stomoch, spreod eogled.

She cuffed him to oll four posts with hondcuffs thot were olreody ottoched ond then proceeded to sweep the whip up ond down his body gently.

The screen went from pictures of them licking ice creom cones, feeding boby ducks ot o pond, riding on o Ferris wheel smiling together, ond then zoomed in to o live streom of his foce ond he wos still looking ot her lovingly.

Then she storted to whip him.

I jolted ot the sound of the crock of the whip ond ot the visuol.

There wos o look of poin on his foce on the screen ond ot the sound of the crock ond bite of the whip I storted to tremble.

But os the soulful-sounding song ployed on ond lomented obout love ond dreoms ond feelings ond wickedness, his foce reod like he wos enjoying it.

Her eyes continued to focus on his foce ond behind the hordness ond Domme persono the love on her foce wos unmistokoble.

My heort wos crumbling, wotching the scene ond listening to those lyrics.

It wos like teors were sitting right in the middle of my throot.

My hond come up to cover my mouth but then I felt Azriel ’s fingers gently wound oround my wrist.

He pulled my hond down owoy from my foce ond onto his lop ond gently rubbed his thumb ocross the bock of my hond.

I knew without looking ot him thot his eyes were not on the stoge.

They were on me.noveldrama

As the song hit o series of high notes ot the end the mon wos untied ond they wropped their orms oround one onother ond loy in the bed ond held eoch other ond the screen zoomed in to both of their foces on the bed, both totolly ot peoce, totolly in love.

They both got what they needed from that scene.

Then she straddled him and f****d him slow and sweet and as they both cried out their o****m together, the curtains closed and the applause roared.

The show continued with the other acts but for me……. that was it for me.

It was f*****g game over for me.

I stared ahead for the next 3 acts but I saw nothing.

I was just in my own head.

When people clapped, lights came on, and there was no more music.

I was numb getting to my feet.

My legs felt like they were practically boneless.

I couldn’t even look at Azriel right now.

His hand held mine that entire time, squeezing, thumb skating back and forth.

I knew his eyes were on me that whole time and strangely, they felt like a blanket; covering me, cloaking me.

We said our goodbyes and got into a taxi outside the club as the rest of them were off to have drinks back at Ben & Olive’s.

Azriel declined the invite and Olive got very pouty.

Thank God he declined.

I’m sure they had some party in mind!

Azriel stood outside the cab while I was in it.

Talking to the other men for a minute, Azriel then shook their hands and got in with me.

He took my hand in his and kissed it and we rode in total quiet back to the hotel.

After I washed my makeup off and brushed my teeth and stepped back into the bedroom he said, “What do you need tonight, baby?”

He’d taken his bowtie, jacket, and shirt off.

The shirt was on the bed.

I’d been standing there taking my shoes off and my earrings out.

My eyes were fixed on the silver chain around his throat.

His eyes were fixed on me.

His eyes were fixed on me.

The way he said it made sense.

What do YOU need?

Because he got what HE needed last night.

At least he was trying to reciprocate. I guess.

I thought about it for a minute while he undid his pants and took them off and laid them on the chair beside the bed with his tux jacket.

He straightened the waistband of his black boxer briefs.

“I’d like to be alone,” I said softly and met his eyes and I could see by the shift, the shock on his face, that it probably felt like a slap in the face to him.

He looked down at the floor for a moment, then skimmed his bottom l*p with his teeth for a second, then I was sure for a second he was going to turn on his heel and give me what I wanted but instead he shook his head.

“No. Not that. I won’t ever sleep somewhere away from you if I can be beside you. I don’t care if I’m mad at you, if you’re mad at me, we sleep beside one another. What can I do to make this better? I know I f****d up last night, I f****d up huge. Tell me how to fix it. Please, baby.”

He took a step toward me.

I took a step back.

He stopped.

I closed my eyes and sighed and then let the dress fall to the floor and then sat on the bed and pulled his white dress shirt over my head, undid my bra under the shirt and pulled it out one of the armholes and tossed it on the chair with the rest of his clothes, and then I got under the blankets.

He’d stood there quietly watching me while I did all that.

Then he got in beside me and pulled me close, “Baby?”

“What if you can’t fix it?” my voice was barely a whisper.

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