Celestial Queen: Revenge Is Sweet When You’re A Zillionaire Heiress

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Harlee had really taken it by surprise.

Mayer squeezed his teeth with force, the determination recorded in his features while his hands danced on the controls with a masterful urgency.

Very soon, his tenacity was rewarded.

He put himself at the height of Harlee's car again.

But Mayer could almost tasting the mockery in the air.

His heart was beating hard, fed by a mixture of anger and adrenaline as he advanced at full speed, advancing Harlee.

However, before Mayer could taste the leadership, she was from New next to him, exuding an air of casual indifference that denied the intensity of his career.

For a spectator, it would look like a hard -fought race, but any veteran corridor would see the clear image.

The difference in his skill levels was amazing, and every Harlee movement seemed designed to make fun of each attempt by Mayer.

A Risita broke the silence.

The mischief was simply too much.

However, considering Mayer's previous dirty play, the multitude of multitpus had difficulty sympathizing with him.

Instead, they looked at him with disdain.

There was no way that he let him escape so easily.

She was determined to see Mayer defeated and humiliated, recording the sting of the defeat deeply in her soul and making sure that she regretted the day she spoiled her car.

With the finish line in sight, Mayer, soaked in sweat, she fought With the controls, with his heart beating like a drum in his chest.

Then, with the thunderous roar of an engine that made Mayer tremble, the Phantom Racer threw himself forward.noveldrama

In an instant, the Phantom Racer passed in front of Mayer , realizando un impecable giro de noventa grados.El Phantom Racer se enfrentó directamente a Mayer, mientras la mirada de Harlee lo atravesaba mientras la parte trasera de su coche cruzaba con estilo la línea de meta.Los espectadores se quedaron boquiabiertos por la sorpresa, seguidos de una atronadora ola de vítores.Los fotógrafos capturaron esta dramática escena, que estaba destinada a dominar los titulares de primera plana a la m

añana siguiente.La carrera concluyó, marcada no solo por la derrota, sino por la profunda humillación de Mayer.Al final , Mayer no podía sostener más sus piernas, sus manos colgaban sin vida a sus costados y parecía completamente agotado, derrotado tanto mental como físicamente, mientras su asistente lo sostenía desde el auto.Sin dignidad que preservar, la cabeza de Mayer caía cada vez más bajo en medio de las implacables burlas y abucheos de los espectadores, un golpe aplastante que p

odría poner fin a su carrera como piloto.Poco después, un grupo de investigadores vestidos con uniformes blancos se dirigió hacia Mayer desde la entrada.Mayer Reed, las pruebas They point to you as a suspect of attempted murder.

Retírese y venga con nosotros tranquilamente.Fingiendo ignorancia de la ley de Multitopía, su asistente replicó en roquilandés, afirmando que Mayer, un extranjero, no tenía motivos para ser detenido por Multitopía.Sin embargo, los investigadores respondieron en un fluido inglés: Cualquiera que violate the law here falls under the jurisdiction of multitopia, regardless of its nationality.

If you see any problem, your embassy is the place to solve it ....

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